Thanks Everyone for your words of support!!
Things are a little worse now that we are back from the dealer, front bumper got bent from the force of the motor cycle strap tie downs holding it, handle bars are bent and broken, Bent steering post, kill switch broke, and broken nose piece, BUT! all in all, VEry lucky more damage did not occur, and the sled runs fine and is not tunnel bent etc., In FACT! Rexburg, Motor Sports working feverously so that we MIGHT get to pick it up tonight and RIDE!!
I cannot say how I am impressed by this dealerhsip, they are ballstothewalls getting snowchecked sleds out, service work,etc. and yet everyone in there is bending over backwards to help and express their support. If you live within driving distance and want a genuine great feeling from your dealer buy from RMS!!!! THEY RULE!
i am going back to my shop to clean up the trailer and work on my seld, so i will help and answer more questions later this evening, plus pics!!
P.S. _ Everyone please dont take RMK7heads comments to heart, hes a good guy and we have know each other on this forum for 5 years, hes just having fun

Besides, he knows hes going to see nothing but Xp snowflap this year so hes gotta git his digs in somehow