I also know personally that flying a helo even near a Wilderness Area can get your LZ visited by two black Surburbans and a white P/U full of
armed fed's....?!?!?!!?
The only saving grace in our situation was that we were doing a low-level survey guided by diffrential GPS. The proof from our mapping software on-board the helo showed we never entered the airspace a 'ranger' on the ground said we did. Yes, it was a serious WTF senario that came with a really stupid and WAY over-the-top response, but happened nonetheless!
I can only imagine the response if a 'ranger' saw a helo long-lining a sled well inside a wilderness area!
As a pilot who may or may not of made a few infractions in the last 12 years. The Feds will let you play stupid once every 5 years
Although they may consider this a crime, which tosses this form out the window.
Aviation Safety Reporting System
AC No: 00-46D
Aviation Safety Reporting Program (ASRP)
/ASRP lets those involved with flying provide raw data to NASA for processing and analysis with assured anonymity. The reports cannot be used for FAA/NTSB enforcement action unless a crime is involved.
I would urge every pilot to have several blank Aviation Safety Reporting Forms on every flight. In circumstances where you think you may have exposed yourself to an FAA/FAR violation, completing the form will protect you from FAA sanctions if the act was not intentional. NASA uses the form to make safety recommendations to the FAA to prevent ATC/pilot safety problems. If you don't have the form just send a letter
Aviation Safety Reporting System
P.O. Box 189
Moffett Field, CA
While you're at it, ask to be put on their "Callback" mailing list. It is the best free flying publication in the world. The purpose of ASRS is to promote flying safety in all aspects of flying by allow the little guy pilot to safely submit material to whose who can make improvement without fear of retribution. Only accidents and crime are not exempt from this protection. (NASA Form 277B at
http://asrs.arc.nasa.gov) The pilot who submits an ASRS report gets a receipt that must be saved since all other identification is removed. Should the FAA initiate action
the receipt is your ticket out of trouble.
--2/3 of 277Bs are submitted by airline pilots.
--G/A sent in 23 percent.
--About 1/4 of forms get special study.
--100 of 34000 got to manufacturers.
--67 go to FAA as alerts
--FAA averages 3000 enforcement actions against pilots.
--30-percent had certificates revoked or suspended.
--2/3 of actions were against pilots who fly for a living
--15-percent of private pilots won against the FAA.
--25 percent of private pilots received revoked or suspended licenses.
--Only one in 100 of private pilots violated were exempted because of filed 277Bs.
--Three of ten commercial pilots violated avoided the problem via 277Bs.
--One in ten of ATP violated escaped because of filed 277Bs.
The get Immunity:
--What you did must be inadvertent
--Must not be accident, crime or lack of qualification
--Must have receipt showing Form 277B filed within ten days.
--Can be used only once in five years.