Originally Posted by Zachcreek
And the hunters are just there for the trophy harvest. Hope the wolves come down to Colorado. Love the natural wildlife......
Anyone who believes in reintroducing them into the wildlife should be slapped in the face
Trust me; i live next to Yellowstone Park. The wolves, bison, global warming, snowmobiles causing pollution thing is packed full of so much bull**** that i honestly can not stand anyone who believes in it. These “scientist” who are simply hired to say what ever they hell people want them to are ruining America. Now with Osama in office I really think we will see some “change”
IF you want wolves in Colorado, take ours PLEASE! I as a local went elk hunting this year 6-7 times and only had a chance to shoot 3 small elk and i let my friend shoot the only 6 point we ever found and it was nothing great.
People like to think they are so important that they can affect nature and they never stop to think that maybe they are not god. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, that animal could no longer survive in that area and that Mother Nature took them off the map for a reason. Well by putting them back in we are definitely affecting nature.
The only reason Yellowstone introduced the wolves is because they simply wanted more people to come to the park. I HATE hippies so much its not healthy.
I believe every natural wolf should be left alone and we should go around popping every single wolf that was introduced in the head and leave them lying where they were shot so coyotes can get some food back and the nutrients from them will turn into edible grass for our elk and deer.
Then you will have your "natural" wildlife.