That is an ignorant statement. You're calling ranchers and farmers lazy? They work harder than just about any other occupation you could have. All for very little money or to be in debt and be lucky to break even. Why? Because we need to them to feed people. Or maybe we should just import all of our produce, meat, hay for everyone's high dollar horses, and everything else. How do you propose that we keep wolves from killing cattle and horses except shoot them? Put up a scarecrow in the field?

They don't scare easily. There are so many here they are coming right up to fields next to our houses and killing calves. There was a pack last summer that chased some friends horses through fences. Just one of those horses is worth thousands. And we're supposed to let the wolves kill them or chase them till theyr'e about dead just so you city folks can see a wolf in their natural habitat? This is our livelihood. It's how we survive. I guess we could all just move to the city though right?
Their natural habitat is not the same. There's people living there now. Which is why they are killing livestock. And there are a lot more wolves than the gov't claims. Coyotes are very overpopulated here too. I've seen several surround a newborn calf while the cow is still down. You shoot one and they're back in a couple hours. Here's an idea. How bout you come on over and you can sit out in the field with our cattle and horses and chase off the wolves and coyotes with a stick so they don't get hurt. Problem solved huh.
It's not that I hate wolves or anything. But there are too many and they're not staying in the wilderness like people wanted in the first place. And many people do not understand the effects it's having on people like us who's livelihood is livestock. We can't afford to lose a $10,000 horse or even a $1000 horse to a wolf. Or several calves. That's income to ranchers. Their only income. The population needs to be controlled. They're not cute little dogs. They're wild animals. Maybe if a few more city folks were out somewhere alone with several hungry wolves watching them they wouldn't be so sympathetic towards them.