Went with friends Tuesday, March 8th to snowmobile the Pemberton Ice Cap via the Rutherford Road and was met at the trail head parking lot by a women representing the Pemberton Snowmobile Club demanding $15 per sled to access the logging road. I asked why there is a charge and she said the club looks after trail maintenance. She claimed the trail was a bit rough but okay to ride and is groomed every Tuesday night.
What a scam! Rock riding, with mud and trail washout for the first 5 km's. I am going to need new skags for sure. The next 19 km's were some of the worst rutted trail I have every ridden. The riding at the top made up for it but the ride down pissed me off to no end. The next day when I went back to ride the trail there was no grooming, or trail maintenance, NOTHING!!!!! The women collecting fees was nowhere to be found. The trail was worse then the day before. What crap!
If you go to Rutherford refuse to pay you have no obligation to pay for accessing Crown land on a logging road that existed for a least 15 years (the earliest time I can remember riding it).
I think they are probably collecting beer or crack money. Since the Olympics closed down most other riding areas in and around Whistler, Rutherford may have experienced more riding but wouldn't that have collected more money for more grooming?
I am not a big fan of exclusive snowmobile clubs who are control freaks, claim to be stake holders on our behalf and demand fees so they can impose their ideas of what snowmobiling should be. I get enough rules and ripoffs in the city that's why I ride to get away from organizations and scams like this.