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Which Xp turbo kit

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1.00 star(s)
Aug 17, 2009
There nothing wrong with being a young entreperneur's i was one myself and i admire those who are....However when anyone Young or Old starts preaching 100% Money Back you have to question there intent, experiance & knowledge when they make such a Money Back offer.

Also can you please ask Jake (since your his spokesman) to please post the disclaimer of the 100% Money Back offer. I would sure like a copy of that prior to considering any purchase.

Offering a 100% Money Back offer is a fast way to find yourself in a lawsuit when it comes to Performance HP Products OR Out of buisness real fast. Hmmm... do you think Garrett or ANY other supplier in the production chain will return 100% of the money ???

Jake buys turbo kit from Dave....Dave buys turbo kit from supplier... Who will be refunding 100% of the money ?

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Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
There nothing wrong with being a young entreperneur's i was one myself and i admire those who are....

If this was even remotely true, your statements would be different. Hypocrisy!!

Also can you please ask Jake (since your his spokesman) to please post the disclaimer of the 100% Money Back offer. I would sure like a copy of that prior to considering any purchase.

What for? You have zero intention of purchasing his product, you've already endorsed someone else. If you're a prospective customer, wouldn't you personally contact him? Are you not capable of doing this yourself?

Offering a 100% Money Back offer is a fast way to find yourself in a lawsuit when it comes to Performance HP Products OR Out of buisness real fast. Hmmm... do you think Garrett or ANY other supplier in the production chain will return 100% of the money ???

Who cares? Let Jake find this out for himself. What do you care who the money comes from? What is wrong about this? Just because no one else does it? Pfff, whatever!Maybe he feels he needs to offer something like this in the beginning because of crybabies worrying about his age and being new in the industry, to get the biz off the ground. I applaud him for this. You continually remind us how poor the products/vendors are that most on this site sell, why bash for this?

OT, bring something useful to the table for once. Your song is long over and has gotten rotten. Fishing is better in the oceans, lakes, and rivers. Hire a guide if you have too. If you're even close to being as smart as you try to portray yourself as being, then you wasting a great deal.

You obviously have way too much spare time to be constantly going after the hardworking, aftermarket vendors on these forums. Is something like this fun for you?
Aug 17, 2009
OT, bring something useful to the table for once.

DiamondDave take off your blinders.......The author TY_911 asked a simple question about "which XP turbo Kit" i suggested he look into Josh Kennedy's TurboBoyz.net for the following reasons

1. Years Of SkidooTurbo Experiance
2. Lots Of Happy Turbo Kits On The Snow
3. Top Notch Customer Service

QUESTION: To date what does brand "X" have to offer ? Do they even have a kit ready to ship today ? How's about by the end of the week ?

Furthermore, I don't care if you are 19 years old or 50 years old i your going to sell/represent a product you better have the Kahhonna's to back up what you represent as well as the seat time... This notion of there being some sort of 100% Money Back offer if you buy turbo kit "X" is fishy at best.

FYI, i have purchased 4 turbo kits over the years, and im currently on the fence for a 5th for my 2009 XP.

As far as im concerned there seems at the present time to be only 1 Legit Turbo Kit for a 2 stroke XP www.TurboBoyz.net

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winter brew

Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
WOW...it's too bad this thread has taken a turn for the worse. But that's just part of the internet...it draws all kinds of people. Have to take the good with the bad.
If someone is going to bash someones product, it holds no water unless it is from a bad and unresolved personal experience with that product....other wise it's just gum flapping and some are really good at it.
As for age....I was a certified Cat technician at 19, and have seen several dishonest, sled mechanic hacks and most were all far older than 19...so WTF does age mean? In this case it means they are ambitious and have a passion for the sport, have alot of knowledge for their age and hopefully don't wear baggy pants below their a$$. ;):beer;
A Guarantee is just that....if the product doesn't perform to a reasonable expectation and is unable to be resolved by the mfr, then there is no better guarantee than to take the setup back and return the $$....what better can a mfr offer for a guarantee? We offer this on our clutch setups and have yet to be asked for a refund.
I wish Dave and Jake and everyone involved the best of luck and look forward to ridng with them when they get the chance to come out to Gold Creek or Lake Ann areas.....and will be happy to give you a tour if you need a guide :beer;:D ..besides, I need some young guy to help get me out when I'm stuck! :p
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Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
WOW...it's too bad this thread has taken a turn for the worse. But that's just part of the internet...it draws all kinds of people. Have to take the good with the bad.
If someone is going to bash someones product, it holds no water unless it is from a bad and unresolved personal experience with that product....other wise it's just gum flapping and some are really good at it.
As for age....I was a certified Cat technicial at 19, and have seen several dishonest, sled mechanic hacks and most were all far older than 19...so WTF does age mean? In this case it means they are ambitious and have a passion for the sport, have alot of knowledge for their age and hopefully don't wear baggy pants below their a$$. ;):beer;
A Guarantee is just that....if the product doesn't perform to a reasonable expectation and is unable to be resolved by the mfr, then there is no better guarantee than to take the setup back and return the $$....what better can a mfr offer for a guarantee? We offer this on our clutch setups and have yet to be asked for a refund.
I wish Dave and Jake and everyone involved the best of luck and look forward to ridng with them when they get the chance to come out to Gold Creek or Lake Ann areas.....and will be happy to give you a tour if you need a guide :beer;:D ..besides, I need some young guy to help get me out when I'm stuck! :p

Well stated!!
I'll give you a hand WB when the boys show up...I'll bring another even younger kid who we call Digger. Based on OT's business expertise, how are you still in business offering $$ back guarantee.
Aug 17, 2009
Brew, my 19 year old son just adviced me that refunding TRA ramps, a couple of clutch springs, pin weight and a secondary helix valued at $190.00 is common and a lot easier than refunding a 5000.00 Turbo Kit.....I guess the guy's that build bigbore should also offer a 100% refund LOL.

Hey Jake where's that 100% money back dis-claimer ? We ALL know your lurking :p


winter brew

Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
We just charge more ;)
But honestly the price has zero to do with it.....it shows a vote of confidence, and no matter the price...$1 or $10000 you still end up refunding $$ that was paid, it's not like it has to come out of the mfr's pocket. It takes away the the buyers financial risk of getting hosed (whick happns in the sled industry....see the PSI thread)
A warranty just shows integrity. And yes....I would expect anyone selling ANY product to offer $$ back if the product does not work reasonably as advertised, given the chance to make it "right" of course....but if ALL ELSE fails, $$ back is how you stay in business and build a good reputation, provided you never or rarely need to exercise that option.
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Aug 17, 2009
Brew, i here what your saying good customer service is a must in any industry.....

A 100% money back offer on any engine HP modifaction weather it be turbo's or modified engines is risky at best. Turbo's are at the highest of risk and are tempermental under any condition, regardless of there advancements....It's just the turbo's nature.

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Belgrade MT
WoW Bighoe best post on this thread bar none.

With that said I have been doing kits for a good wile now. And I think Dave has a level head by reading his post. I give him credit that I know of he built his kit from scratch not like some who take a kit to a fab shop and just make a copy.

I don't see allot of testing on any of the XP kits or have seen them in the hills so that is going to be something that makes guys very un-easy. I have sold a turbo kit that was way OVER-HYPED a year or so back and I will never do it again EVER!! Never tested and it had huge issues even with being a 4stroke worked great after the bugs were worked out but was not worth the PITA. I don't or hope this not happen to Dave and if it does I do think he will back it up and that means allot. I have never been a carb turbo fan as I have been around them but things are always changing so I am always open to new proven products.

But to say I bet my checkbook or money on this kit to have 0 problems and will kick your As$ and if you have never installed one for yourself or have proof of your track record I think your asking for issues. Every kit no matter who's kit will have problems. I have been on SW for many years and just from reading the post you can kinda get a feel for who has a level head and such. Some guys have as I call it "groupies" that will back a product no matter what the case so you have to see through the smokescreen and that can be tough to do. But I don't think Dave is one of those guys.

I am not going to say much more but best of luck to Dave I think if we see some main dealers running your kits and doing installs your going to see allot of sales.

I know I don't belong here...I kind of stumbled on this thread on the way to the cat section. But here's my .02. I'm glad to see the doo crowd starting to have mass produced turbo kits. Just from experience, there are going to be problems...with all the kits. If you think you can release a kit to the public and have no issues you're a fool. There are people that could break an anvil that are going to buy these kits. They will break and they will be back here complaining. It happens. If you aren't sure about what kit to buy, wait a year. The good kits will prove themselves and the bad kits will fail. The competition is good for everyone, the more players in the game the cheaper the price. The doo kits still seem a little high, you can get an efi race gas kit now for around $4,500-5,000 if you shop for it and they have a lot more electrical stuff with them. If it were me and i wanted a turboed XP I would wait and see what happens this season. Turbos are hard on sleds, not just the motor, it's everything. More stuff breaks. And the guy that said no turbo is trouble free is correct....you might want to buy a few sets of reeds when you buy the kit. It has taken boondocker several years to get where they are with EFI turbos and like it or not, most of the other EFI kit builders learned with or from them. It has taken 4 or 5 years to get the kits to where they are today. Good luck and I look forward to seeing these run in Cooke this year.
Aug 17, 2009
Ditto to 99% of what SNOW JW said....

By the way SNOW JW ... CPI Racing & Turbo Performance both Utah based company's have been building skidoo turbo kits for many years.

Apr 23, 2008
Boyesen has been offering a money back gaurantee for years .
Don't fear the refund, thats just like fear of health care reform cause they's gonna leave me for dead if I am old,, I saws its ons the internets !! LOL

When a person decides to go to a turbo , has it installed and set up, he or she has already committed to it and in NO WAY should the installer or builder fear repercussions.

I have been in this business since the early 80's I've seen them come and go and come back again.

Carbs are only as fussy as you make them, efi is no different as many cannot comprehend the slew rates alone ....nevermind the current draw issue that are never talked about. Is that stator rare or well done?

I ahve always given a money back program to any turbo customer,, NEVER EVEN ONE has been anything but GIDDY with the sleds..

doo turbo SLEDS on the snow are few, just the way it is, some had reservations about carbs, others just had reservations about boost.

Knocking a person for no reason other than ignorance is just a fact of the
net .

The carb turbo thread is my contribution to the turbo crowd running them as support to ANYONE who has a sytem, I don't segregate between turbo suppliers or brands, just HELP keep the ball rolling.

Be a supporter or NOT, BUT DON"T be a just a naysayer for no reason.

The magnuson Moss act covers any issue with the those who get into a hi performance mod and cannot make it work due to inability or negligence on the customers part..

You know that guy, we've all seen them. They have an issue with their stock sled ,, should be towed out, but they decide F"" it, Its under warranty and drive it till its seaized up but good..LOL

The laugh is on them,, any good attorney will get them exposed for the ignorant person they are..

Like putting your kid behind your skater tunnel with twin v 8 johnsons then suing johnson when you thru a blade on your surface peircing props while trying to tow your kid on skis !!!
Got thrown out of court.. MISUSE of product . no liability.

You can alwys get a feel for the customer in question, sometimes you do them the favor of talking them OUT of the mod work..

too bad snowest doesn't throw out the antagonizers YET, I am in contact with them working dilligently to remove the amsnow behavior.

its no issue to disagree, it is issue to defame a business or persons character ,, in fact its a legal offense that is easily prosecuted when you TYPE it on the net.

Don't bash ,, you might lose your house, car and sled to an attorney and his family and friends..:D

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Jul 4, 2001
Central Alberta, Canada
Good post Gus and I agree with you "in theory". However.....getting "free advertising" on the internet is a double edged sword. You are open and obliged to take the bad with the good. Now if the "advertiser" ownes that site, its a different story. (for example...go to Highlifter.com....they don't allow links to competitors products and in fact certain competitor's "key words" are blanked out like swearwords) Anyways....I'm just a lurker on the turbo threads....just got my 880 back from SHR the other day and looking to get it running well...maybe boost another year.
Aug 17, 2009
Boyesen has been offering a money back gaurantee for years .
Don't fear the refund, thats just like fear of health care reform cause they's gonna leave me for dead if I am old,, I saws its ons the internets !! LOL

When a person decides to go to a turbo , has it installed and set up, he or she has already committed to it and in NO WAY should the installer or builder fear repercussions.

I have been in this business since the early 80's I've seen them come and go and come back again.

Carbs are only as fussy as you make them, efi is no different as many cannot comprehend the slew rates alone ....nevermind the current draw issue that are never talked about. Is that stator rare or well done?

I ahve always given a money back program to any turbo customer,, NEVER EVEN ONE has been anything but GIDDY with the sleds..

doo turbo SLEDS on the snow are few, just the way it is, some had reservations about carbs, others just had reservations about boost.

Knocking a person for no reason other than ignorance is just a fact of the
net .

The carb turbo thread is my contribution to the turbo crowd running them as support to ANYONE who has a sytem, I don't segregate between turbo suppliers or brands, just HELP keep the ball rolling.

Be a supporter or NOT, BUT DON"T be a just a naysayer for no reason.

The magnuson Moss act covers any issue with the those who get into a hi performance mod and cannot make it work due to inability or negligence on the customers part..

You know that guy, we've all seen them. They have an issue with their stock sled ,, should be towed out, but they decide F"" it, Its under warranty and drive it till its seaized up but good..LOL

The laugh is on them,, any good attorney will get them exposed for the ignorant person they are..

Like putting your kid behind your skater tunnel with twin v 8 johnsons then suing johnson when you thru a blade on your surface peircing props while trying to tow your kid on skis !!!
Got thrown out of court.. MISUSE of product . no liability.

You can alwys get a feel for the customer in question, sometimes you do them the favor of talking them OUT of the mod work..

too bad snowest doesn't throw out the antagonizers YET, I am in contact with them working dilligently to remove the amsnow behavior.

its no issue to disagree, it is issue to defame a business or persons character ,, in fact its a legal offense that is easily prosecuted when you TYPE it on the net.

Don't bash ,, you might lose your house, car and sled to an attorney and his family and friends..:D


Gus heres some thing to ask your self.....

Are you in the same league as Boyesen ? How'syour product liability insurance doing ?

Hmmmm carberated turbo's are still tempermental and prone to inconsistant performance when riding in high elevations....On the other hand EFI turbo's in conjuction with a programmed control box will ALL but cure any temperment the turbo might cause as a result of elevation, tempature and barometric change that occure while riding....Big Differance IMHO.

Last but not least i think GUS is FULL OF BS when he claim to be working with SW to cure the amsnow behavior. Gus himself need to practice what he preaches when it comes to defaming. Check out the next post as you will read for yourself how poser GUS can not practice what he preaches. LOL

The magnuson MOSS act means sqwat when your turbo is broke down on the side of a mountain 30 miles from the truck

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Aug 17, 2009
Good questions with competent answers is what I strive to put out for you guys

As you can see already, ot has changed his tag JUST to get some screen time as the serious folks had been IGNORING his assness and he was turning blue from holding his breath,, ADD CRFFRED to the ignore list and you remove all pointless, useless hecklers from the boards..

Gus Bohne claims to be on a crusade to help SW remove the amsnow behavior when it come to defaming a buisness and person......:mad:

Gus Bohne your full of yourself and this post proves it. Gus is one of many in our society that when it suits him it OK. But when it suits others it not OK.

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