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Which Xp turbo kit

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Oct 24, 2008
Not quite yet;). Jake in Washington, but that still could be some distance apart. What area are you looking at?

Dave Halverson

I would have a real concern handing over $5000.00+ to a 19 year old, to install a turbo kit that has not even had one full season testing. JM2C

10001110101 seems to have his turbo's dialed in and 2700 miles testing sounds great. His video is more convincing than a video of a turbo XP running up and down a slushy hill;)
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Oct 19, 2003
Rapid City, South Dakota
I didn't think this would go this direction, but I will say you can spend your money where you want. It's a free country. They have a kit, I have a kit. Big deal. I feel completley comortable with all the people I have selling and installing my kits. Bottom line is, I am still here no matter what to answer any questions.

I didn't read 2700 miles. What I read was 2700 kilometers, that's about 1600 miles. Sorry our video lacked the wow factor you were looking for, but it was the end of june. We were too busy testing all season to take a video. We have been testing this same basic kit for over 2 seasons.

I just hope this thread doesn't end up in the can.

Dave Halverson
R&D Custom Turbo Werx

I would have a real concern handing over $5000.00+ to a 19 year old, to install a turbo kit that has not even had one full season testing. JM2C

10001110101 seems to have his turbo's dialed in and 2700 miles testing sounds great. His video is more convincing than a video of a turbo XP running up and down a slushy hill;)
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DW, didn't you mention that XP in your video was running on 5lbs with a broken turbo? If so you can't really bag on him and his kit. Also I know what the Powdermax track is like on hard slush, It doesnt work to well. About the only track that does hookup in that snow is a finger.

Oct 19, 2003
Rapid City, South Dakota
I wasn't bashing anyone's kit. Our turbo wasn't broke. It was a flange we made in a hurry for that trip on one more change we did to the kit last minute. We screwed up the flange and now have changed the production units. We have changed the kit so many times in one way or another to finally come to the well refined kit we have now. If you have ever been in the situation of building something for mass production you understand the R&D that goes into testing and changing things to make the final product better. If I was looking to build 1 kit I could have been to that point months ago and thousands of dollars ago. I feel we have gone through the "what works and doesn't work" to come to the kit we have now. His kit, from what I know of it is different and that's fine. He feels that combo works better and I feel my combo works better. This is justified by my testing of different components and trying different things. Some major, some minor. My comment I made about "seeing the rest and I build the best" was made before there was any mention of a "new" player. So don't read too much into it. I did not discredit him or his kit at all, but I feel there may be some "play" going on here. I am very confident with my kit and the individuals I have involved in this project, so I'm not worried. It's a big world out there with plenty of room.

Dave Halverson
R&D Custom Turbo Werx

DW, didn't you mention that XP in your video was running on 5lbs with a broken turbo? If so you can't really bag on him and his kit. Also I know what the Powdermax track is like on hard slush, It doesnt work to well. About the only track that does hookup in that snow is a finger.

Oct 19, 2003
Rapid City, South Dakota
I have some pictures to take tomorrow of the final production kit and I will post them on a different thread so if anyone wants to bash on my kit you can do it there if you feel like it, but I don't want to waste this thread with this sort of BS.

Dave Halverson
R&D Custom Turbo Werx
May 25, 2008
Oroville Washington
I would have a real concern handing over $5000.00+ to a 19 year old, to install a turbo kit that has not even had one full season testing. JM2C

10001110101 seems to have his turbo's dialed in and 2700 miles testing sounds great. His video is more convincing than a video of a turbo XP running up and down a slushy hill;)

Ok Fred, ANY time you care to meet up and test MY personal sled against yours let me know the time and the place. I will gladly come show you my quality of work and what I expect of everyone of my hotrods. Lets test tuning ability, Im chompin at the bit for a shot at that big bad 860...LOL

If you or anyone else is worried about it I will offer a 100 percent money back satisfaction gaurantee on ANY of my work or tuning. My installs come complete with a tuning day on the snow WITH the customer in real world conditions. Does anybody else offer this kind of a guarantee and customer service?? I also offer demo rides before you buy the product, last I checked we are again the only ones that offer to bring the product to your area and let you ride it.

So Fred, the way I see it Dave and I back our product better than anyone else in the industry, I set your sled up to rock in real world riding with you right there to see the tuning tips, and I offer to let you thrash my hotrod on your riding area before you lay out a cent of your own coin. If somebody steps up and matches that kind of service and guarantee I will figure out a way to raise the bar again.

If you want to go buy the kit built by another guy that is just fine. We offer a kit that has been designed and tested to ensure top notch quality and porformance in all conditions. Again, it comes with a guarantee.

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I wasn't bashing anyone's kit. Our turbo wasn't broke. It was a flange we made in a hurry for that trip on one more change we did to the kit last minute. We screwed up the flange and now have changed the production units. We have changed the kit so many times in one way or another to finally come to the well refined kit we have now. If you have ever been in the situation of building something for mass production you understand the R&D that goes into testing and changing things to make the final product better. If I was looking to build 1 kit I could have been to that point months ago and thousands of dollars ago. I feel we have gone through the "what works and doesn't work" to come to the kit we have now. His kit, from what I know of it is different and that's fine. He feels that combo works better and I feel my combo works better. This is justified by my testing of different components and trying different things. Some major, some minor. My comment I made about "seeing the rest and I build the best" was made before there was any mention of a "new" player. So don't read too much into it. I did not discredit him or his kit at all, but I feel there may be some "play" going on here. I am very confident with my kit and the individuals I have involved in this project, so I'm not worried. It's a big world out there with plenty of room.

Dave Halverson
R&D Custom Turbo Werx

I was sticking up for you. I just remembered reading something about your sled not being up to par in that vid on low boost. I was talking to fred when I said not to bash your kit. Sorry for the confusion.
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Oct 19, 2003
Rapid City, South Dakota
Luke I have 3 kits here that should have shipped, but due to final, finalization of some things on the kits I have postponed shipping. I feel this was better than shipping to customers and then let them have a piss poor product. I have one sled to do an install on this week and my partners sled the following week and then another install after that. There is another kit to ship out in there too. The interest has been great and I am getting ready for winter with these kits so I can ship them out faster. We have another turbo kit builder we are working with on some of our production pieces to speed up the process. This only makes sense. They can build the parts cheaper and I can stay focused on other important factors in building a repeatable production kit. So for now, I am staying comfortably---busy.


Dave, how many of these kits do you have ready to go? 1600 miles on a test kit, and now full swing production? thats kicks ***
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Aug 17, 2009
TO DATE >>>> Josh Kennedy out of Utah has the best running turbo kits available for the 800 Skidoo. Now that doesn't mean that some of the new guys on the block don't have a good kit to offer.

Kennedy just has years of experiance with turboing skidoo's and so far has the best running skidoo kits on the snow from what i've witnessed.



Nov 27, 2007
Rapid City, S.D
Dave, I saw the pics on the other thread, looks great. When do i get to throw a leg over one and test it out......you know winter isnt far away. What you doing for a fuel system?
Aug 17, 2009
Prove it.

Anytime you want to head down to Kennedy's shop in Utah and go on a ride. You will become a believer.....He's got Hundreds of Kits on the snow. Gve him a call and setup a demo ride

You can also get ahold of the guys at HPS in Shelly Idaho and they will tell you the same thing. Ask them about a demo ride as well

Oct 19, 2003
Rapid City, South Dakota
I suppose after how many years we actually might be able to get together and ride. We are headed to Cooke for the pump gas;) shindig in Jan. I'll try not to have it piled up when the time comes.


Dave, I saw the pics on the other thread, looks great. When do i get to throw a leg over one and test it out......you know winter isnt far away. What you doing for a fuel system?


Well-known member
Premium Member
Oct 24, 2008
Ok listen I am not saying anything that probably 8 out of 10 guys on this site arent actually thinking. The fact is 5000.00+ for a limited tested turbo and installed by a 19 year old.:confused: Who wouldnt question this. It is a valid remark, like it or not. You guys can flame away, but I am sure I am not alone thinking this.
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