I wasn't bashing anyone's kit. Our turbo wasn't broke. It was a flange we made in a hurry for that trip on one more change we did to the kit last minute. We screwed up the flange and now have changed the production units. We have changed the kit so many times in one way or another to finally come to the well refined kit we have now. If you have ever been in the situation of building something for mass production you understand the R&D that goes into testing and changing things to make the final product better. If I was looking to build 1 kit I could have been to that point months ago and thousands of dollars ago. I feel we have gone through the "what works and doesn't work" to come to the kit we have now. His kit, from what I know of it is different and that's fine. He feels that combo works better and I feel my combo works better. This is justified by my testing of different components and trying different things. Some major, some minor. My comment I made about "seeing the rest and I build the best" was made before there was any mention of a "new" player. So don't read too much into it. I did not discredit him or his kit at all, but I feel there may be some "play" going on here. I am very confident with my kit and the individuals I have involved in this project, so I'm not worried. It's a big world out there with plenty of room.
Dave Halverson
R&D Custom Turbo Werx