I have been reading these forums for a few years now and have realized the need for expertise input by people in the business. These people are valuable to all of us. When we, myself included take on these vendors and dont let the vendors themselves stand up for their products we all loose. Back in my Ski doo days on DOOTALK I saw a few good sources of information quit putting in information because some A-hole had to spout off at the mouth and bash his business and his products. So lets just all let the vendors stick up for themselves in these forums. We dont need to add our 2 cents and chase these guys away. I for one appriciate when they talk back and forth between 2 vendors alot can be learned, but if regular forum members start in with the spouting off then the conversation ends. I made comment to another members post calling him out to quit the bashing, but realized in less then a minute it wouldn't help matters so I deleted my post but before I got it deleted he copied my response and posted it before it was removed. The thread was informative and started to get interesting until this member hit the ball out of the park and the thread is now closed. We keep doing this to every vendor soon we will be here alone without men in the profession giving input. So lets all relax, and appriciate these guys who take their time to inform us on issues. Alot of these guys are paid advertizers on here and deserve our respect, if you dont feel this way then just keep it to your self or block them so you dont have to listed to there input.