Fellers, I'm pretty sure that both sides like that easy "one deal" thing. Now I know I'll get the ya-buts (ayers, wright, etc.) but I'd like for us to consider one thing. Dude is a black man (although we can nitpik race percentages) and I think he has a distinctly different view of things. Mixed race, educated in different parts of the world, access to Harvard education opportunities, law degree, teaching, etc.
Does all this make Mr. Obama better prepared to lead the country, not necessarily. However, it does give him a distinctly different view of the world than me. Do I like his view, no. But the Clintons hung with some of the same people he has talkedto and it didn't seem to matter to the electorate then.
I was next to an middle aged lady talking to a young man before the VP debate and they were chatting about the possibility of a new President. I couldn't help it and said "We're getting a new President either way". The young man kinda looked dumbfounded and said "well, one who hasn't been there before". I said "niether had ever been President."
Basically he felt Barack Obama was qualified because he wants change and McCain wasn't because he was same. I asked him if he had looked at the numerous pieces of legislation that McCain had pushed over his career that would have brought quite a bit of change to the system and he didn't have an answer. I then asked him what need to be changed? He said Bush had destroyed the economy, Obama wants to fix it. I asked why he thought that, and he said "Man, the economy is as bad as its ever been people are losing there homes, that ain't right."
Its a shame that folks are losing their homes, I agree. It also a shame that most people went into this f*&king debacle thinking they were going to get rich by copying what someone who was educated in realestate was doing. Same with stocks, commodities, et al. Just because you can watch flip this house on the H&G channel doesn't make you a Donald Trump. Politically were about to do the same thing. People don't want to educate themselves about the candidates, they want a nice one word answer that makes a good sound bite. Change, McSame, Nazi, socialist, pig. How the heck is it that we are so disgusted with Congress, but the incumbancy rate is so frikken high. Its because we as a people are too lazy to do our homework. On both sides.
People skewer Obama and give McCain a pass. The same for McCain v Obama. I'm sorry, but we should be looking at both candidates with an appraising eye. Pick them both apart, then see whose carcass has more meat on it.
Ruff if you think that Obama is some sort of outsider, you're kidding yourself (an I can't believe you think he is). You don't get to be a presidential candidate without the blessing of the elite. On either side of the isle.