Agreed. There are places in the Bible that Paul "shook the dust from his feet" and walked away and the same still applies. You don't want to be the guy on the college campus yelling at all the kids that they're going to hell. God is subtle, be a good example and be proud of who you are and what you believe. Your confidence and comfort and peace of mind will be contagious. I've seen this 1st hand. The forceful plan gets you no where and those people that yell and try to force things on people are doing a HUGE disservice to the word Christian and what it means to be one.
I think what xrated was saying originally though was that people can't keep religion out of politics because religion feeds your morals, your morals drive your political views, and your vote is going to go with the person that you seem to agree with most... the a=b b=c so a=c type of thing. At least thats what I thought he meant when I was reading his posts...
my .02
btw I think it is the most rediculous thing that people try to change the wording of the pledge and that it is rarely even said in schools. I think it should be 1st thing in the morning before 1st period in every school. theres .02 more...