you always make me feel loved on snowest moose....
You know me, such a giving lover
With all due respect (which probably doesn't account for much), we as conservatives need to spend some time looking at what we are - the Rebulbican party strayed big time here, sold out to the moderate coalition, and we ended up running the R.I.N.O with nearly expected results.
We were out run, time to re-group and plan a better offense.
Conservative values won here: Obama ran as a tax cutter, McCain is a moderate at best and did not gain his own party's support.
We need to look inside, and do better.
Now, we've got time.
Yes sir! Its too bad that the McCain camp didn't just speak straight. Skip the name calling and layout the problem and how they were going to fix them. Then say, "If you don't agree with my solution, FU and your families too. Next issue"
What I don't understand is why the RNC trotted out an old war horse (with a bum arm) to go up against a young, relatively unknown, well coifed, well spoken, untested in DC, democratic male. Remember how it turned out last time. Sometimes I wonder if the powers that be set it up that way.
Don't be so sure.......with a democrat controlled congress and white house, anything can happen. Most just vote along party lines.
Look at it from a historical perspective, when either party had control it was far more difficult to get meaningful legislation passed. But today is a new era, so..?
I will get invoved as we speak. I don't have a lot of money but what i have i will share with the right groups to keep my rights to Snowmobile.
Skinner, it doesn't take a lot of money. I takes you, in person, in print or on-line explaining to others, preferrably level headed others, why you care. How the issue affects you and yours and why you are working to see "X" accomplished. Do your best to educate yourself to the given issue, but keep your points simple and concise (unlike me
). No bullet points from some web site, but actual anecdotal points. Personalize the issue to you and if possible to your audience.
An example - Here in the Left Coast, there was/is always a movement afoot to close some roads into riding areas. A group went to Sac and met with some legislators. One of the "city" legislators said "thanks for talking to me, but I really don' see how closing roads affects me". One of the members of the group saw a family photo with the people in front of a tent in the woods. They asked the assemblyman about the pic. He say "Oh we love to camp in this particular area, get out of the rat race of Sacramento, you know" The member of the group asked where the picture was taken and once answered, they proceeded to inform the Assemblyman that the very area he enjoys with his family was on the list to close to vehicle traffic. His response was, "How am I supposed to get my family in there for our trip?" A member from the group blurted out, "Walk".
Needless to say, we made a difference that day. So can you!