My '16 starting having the low idle issue and not wanting to go into reverse last spring. Because it still has 2 weeks of warranty left I dropped it off at a dealer. They got to work on it right away, found the idle setting was low (.900v) and adjusted it(.930v). Unfortunately, now sled wont run for more than a minute, keeps fouling plugs.
I asked the tech if he set the baseline on the TPS before adjusting the idle? The response was "there is only one adjustment on the TPS and it is done with the computer!
Can the dealer change the TPS setting with digital wrench without physically adjusting anything?
Polaris seems to have a policy, I don't know how new it is, that dealers/customers should not be adjusting TPS at all. Their policy says that if you suspect any TPS problem, you buy a whole new throttle body assembly, which comes with the calibrated TPS on it.
In your case, you should probably try doing the manual procedure documented here on the forum.