U.S. provided it.. correct.
Yep, $35 college kit. Bad USA bad, shouldn't let other countries work on vaccines. They might misuse it. Did you have a point here???
I never said Nato or the UN. I said the U.S. The UN and Nato are NOT in Iraq are they?
Did we not enter under Saddam's violation of UN mandates? Whether we do it direct or through the UN, what difference does it make. The UN is the body responsible for crimes against humanity. Reread your original post.
From you un-quotable gibberish:
Yellowcake is the base, The cyclotron, or gaseous diffusion, or chemical separation equipment are easy compared to get the base material. Some day, under a sand pile, someone will find some machines.
Now this is almost funny. I say he meets terrorist, and the first 2 documents you site, say he meet with terrorist. Read your own links, pay attention to EIJ, and how Saddam funded it and "talked" to them, in his country, and they were TERRORIST. For Gods sake, he was dealing with Ayman al-Zawahiri, you never heard of that name??? And the washington post article, "But the report of the commission's staff, based on its access to all relevant classified information, said that there had been contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda but no cooperation." Thanks for proving my point.
This is not about poverty, it is not about religion, it is about make a bunch of effing as$holes even more money at the expense of American Taxpayers.
If we were concerned about poverty we would be in Africa and South America, not Iraq.
If were really after these guys we would be bombing Saudi Arabia.
I was not saying it's because the USA is concerned about poverty, I'm saying that a lot of the suicide bombers and fighters, are doing it for money. Al Qaeda promises to take care of their families, if they martyr themselves properly. It is about religion primarily. But, poverty buys volume, in people wiling to give their lives. Poverty also results in kids going to Madrasah's that they wouldn't be in otherwise. Al Qaeda feeds off the slums, like Obama ACORNing for votes. By the way, we've been in Africa. The American public doesn't care for it much. You want me to give you a list or something? The Europeans keep trying it too, couple of good books written about their "successes" in Africa. I believe one is called Shake Hands with the Devil.
As for corporations making money off the war, sure they do. We only give our boys the best. You want to equip them with slingshots and send them over there, cool, you can talk to their parents afterwords. And no, I don't think American corporations are keeping the war going, for personal profit. They aren't in charge of that department, Congress and the Executive are.
Have you stated one single thing that actually has any impact? Your points are not valid, and your links tend to prove my point better than yours. Maybe it's time to reexamine your core beliefs. I sense your true conservative beliefs are just dying to be let out. It's OK, you can be conservative, you just have to ignore the screaming college kids, that know everything. Global Warming, spotted owl, ozone layer, global cooling, peace not war, gay day, Pepsi not Coke.