Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Sammamish/Cle Elum
Posts: 171
Disgusting avatar.
Your avatar is shameful, disrespectful and disgusting.
Just because your are disappointed and did not like the way it turned out does not warrant such attacks on our great democracy.
06 900 RMK 159
07 700 Dragon 155
08 Ranger XP
09 800 RMK 155
hey, I will be happy to have a discussion about my avtar, but I gotta get this off my chest first.
why don't you kiss my......not on the right, not on the left, but right in the stinky ol' middle.
you got your wish. your messiah has arrived, but to tell me I can't speak how I feel is simply removing rights that my forefathers died for. you have the right to speak up and say stupid things, you can wave a flag that says you are in full support of this country going down the toilet......I do not agree.
let me guess, you live in the heart of the city.....prolly earn 6 to 7 figures a year......have at least one german car, that is always parked in the garage.....maybe a lake place or two?
I have never really seen eye to eye with the west coast city dwellers, don't much care to. I live a really happy life in rural wa, I grow a good part of my own food, work with my hands and rely on my meager little income to keep me and my family afloat. I feel bad for you that you can say "democracy" and follow it with attacks on my own freedom of speech......who the he!! are you? my life is not your company. you people who have no clue about life outside your fancy condo need to get a grip. our entire country is about to undergo a huge change. there is no longer any equality in our government, and sadly most people just wanted something so very different then what we have TODAY, that they bought the hype. our country is not screwed up because of a single leader......our country is screwed up due to greed, the support of greed and the election of greed.
I hope obama does great things, I really do. I would love it if I am wrong, but I doubt it.
does it strike you as odd that joe the plumber made barack look stupid for 5 minutes and they ruined his life, but guys like hannity can go on the radio and say that obama is freinds with and has even had his own kids babysat by the likes of bill aires, un repentant terrorist......sir, do not be dumb, the obama's are lawyers, if it were untrue, hannity would have been sued long ago.
believe the hype, but be ready for a hard hard fall.