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OBAMA--good read

Nov 8, 2008
Fairbanks, AK
It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people assume you're an idiot rather than prove them right.

Originally Posted by zitterich246
If he does anything right he will be better than bush

I'm sorry but you really are one ignorant .............fella. I believe time will show many of Bush's actions wasn't as bad as the liberal media would like you to think.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
omg the sky is falling the sky is falling!!! change is not the end of the world. lets all keep on going down the same road we have been. cause the country is in such great shape?? sorry ta everyone has a right to thier opionion but sometimes i think republicans actually believe what rush is telling you guys:) the end of the world is not near, well maybe for the republicans it is!!! at least all the conspiracy theories, do you guys actually believe all the crap they put out??? do you believe any politician is out for the good of the peeps??? have never read so much bs, pages of how obama is related to everything bad from global warming to rainy days.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
omg the sky is falling the sky is falling!!! change is not the end of the world. lets all keep on going down the same road we have been. cause the country is in such great shape?? sorry ta everyone has a right to thier opionion but sometimes i think republicans actually believe what rush is telling you guys:) the end of the world is not near, well maybe for the republicans it is!!! at least all the conspiracy theories, do you guys actually believe all the crap they put out??? do you believe any politician is out for the good of the peeps??? have never read so much bs, pages of how obama is related to everything bad from global warming to rainy days.

I think that assuming we all love Bush would be a gross simplification. Too assume that everything Bush did was wrong, given the alternatives available at the time, would be stupid. Too assume we all love McCain would be naive. But, Obama???? The guys goes well with Prozac. I have yet to see one thing that qualifies him for White House Dog Catcher. Why all the mystery surrounding his documentation? What's he hiding? But, then again, were's the high powered Republican lawyers tearing him down? Obama won, he made a bunch of promises. There's a couple I'd like to see him actually do. Well see.

We're not the only ones:
"I could stand up here and say, 'Let's just get everybody together, let's get unified, the sky will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing, and everyone will know we should do the right thing and the world will be perfect." --Hillary Clinton, mocking Barack Obama

BTW, obviously you've never visited a Liberal forum. You think we degrade the other side. Maybe you should read what they say about us.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Dakota
Were Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, or Franklin Roosevelt popular presidents when they were in office?

I bet your first instinct is yes. Look it up and you'll be surprised. Presidents are NOT popular when there is a war going on, end of story.

Some of you should do something other than listen to the babble CNN and MSNBC feed you.
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Dakota
This is the fouled plug section. Snowmobiling is not the subject in this section. It's politics, beer, women, football, and jokes, not in that order.
Jan 8, 2008
Wembley, AB
Shortstop I like your attitude.
As a Canuck that lived in Texas for some time now back in Canada I see how Obama won. Every dead beat welfare suckin recipient got off their fried chicken eatin a$$ and voted for more promised free money!! Plain and simple.
Every Prez has their work cut out for them dealing with the leftovers from the previous, non being better than the last. The media will make it what they want you to believe it is. I believe were in a world of hurt with Obama as the US leader. Time will tell the real deal here!!
Jan 8, 2008
Wembley, AB
Once Obama gets the NWO happenin Y'all had better get in on them spanish classes, maybe he'll make Ebonics a national recognised langauge as well.
Don't think about defending yourself cuz he'll have your guns too! So he'll disarm the country then open the borders...LOL Good plan Eh!
Don't worry about us Canucks, our Gov is allready workin on takin ours away. One gun course at a time. After 21 years of having an FAC and hunting my a$$ off I was told I had to take a gun course to renew to a PAL..Flippin BS! Oh, I speak fluent english and some spanish, no ebonics.:face-icon-small-win:beer;

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