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Theft @ I-90 Motorsports in Issaquah WA. please read!!!!!!

Oct 7, 2008
It's really sad to see everyone jumping to conclusions before hearing any of the evidence in all of this, I understand that not everyone may be a fan of parkers but I have known him for 20+ years, to think he or his associates would knowingly Rob I 90 motorsports of sleds and gear then put them in his store with I 90 tags still on them is nothing short of asinine, I can guarantee you hed not an idiot! Wouldn't it make sense that if he knew I90'd property was in his store he would've at least cut the I 90 motorsports tags off them before he sold them, come on!'!!!!

And that is why you create a new ID on this forum so you can be transparent in your attempt to clarify the situation ????

If it walks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, looks like a Duck, yup it's probably a Duck!!!!
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Jan 25, 2009
Yakima WA
I guess it's good to wait for all the facts to come out....but so far it doesn't look good for the guy holding stolen property. No sympathy for a thief at all. Problem is he won't get nearly enough grief for the problems he created for i90.
I find it ironic that this genius left the
Tags on some items. It ain't like TV folks, lots of people out there that have enuf between their ears to steal something. They just do dumb stuff and get caught.
It's really sad to see everyone jumping to conclusions before hearing any of the evidence in all of this, I understand that not everyone may be a fan of parkers but I have known him for 20+ years, to think he or his associates would knowingly Rob I 90 motorsports of sleds and gear then put them in his store with I 90 tags still on them is nothing short of asinine, I can guarantee you hed not an idiot! Wouldn't it make sense that if he knew I90'd property was in his store he would've at least cut the I 90 motorsports tags off them before he sold them, come on!'!!!!

I find it a gross insult that Shawn would join as Snowfox99 and then proceed to pretend that he is a friend of himself to try and start repairing a reputation that never achieved anything but negative experiences. You are guilty Shawn and its just a shame that this is the only thing you've been caught with lately.
You do know that we can see your IP address here right? Nice try but you're a criminal. I hope this crappy snow season finally runs you out of town after you serve your jail time. You've screwed enough people with your rental scams and if by some chance that worthless lawyer of yours gets you off, we all will make sure that anyone that entertains doing business with you will know exactly who you are. Even if I have to hover over your business with a giant sign... I will enjoy burning the jet fuel for the cause. I hope the moderators of this forum see through your BS and bounce you.


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1998 or so, a buddy of mine who owned Stampede Pass snowmobile rentals, left on a Tuesday from his cabin, returned Thursday morning to have 10 sleds stolen. We found one stashed in the woods near the sno park, this thread has me wondering if this could be the work of Parker, does anybody know what type of sleds he had in his fleet?


Jan 24, 2014
Here are some photos I found:
Nov 26, 2007
Covington, WA
I'm ashamed to have been one of his customers in the past. You're toast Shawn.. You and your wife are so classy. Good luck losers!

It said in one of the stories that he had priors. Anyone know what for?


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Feb 20, 2008
West of East
This thread is getting ridiculous. I thought this forum had moderators...

What's needing moderated? Looks like public info being shared in the interest of the sport. I would like to be made aware of where NOT to spend earned $ and who NOT to do business with based on ethical behaviors. Who should be protected with something like this?
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