I'll start out by saying I own several guns and enjoy shooting and hunting regularly. I live in Canada so this is an outsiders perspective. We are allowed to own a handgun with a "restricted weapons" license. This means I can transport this handgun from my home to a range in a locked box. I do not have a problem with this. I don't feel there is a reason I need to carry it on me or keep it in my glove box "just in case". As for fully automatic weapons with high capacity magazines, we are not allowed to possess them. If it was legal I would own one. However, it is not legal and I feel that the positives outweigh the negatives in this situation. I will give up the right to own a fully automatic weapon for my own enjoyment if there is a chance that it will make my community a safer place to be.
I know that the majority of gun owners use their weapons responsibly and educate their children in their use. I am aware that the majority of gun owners haven't had a firearms accident and never will. However, I do believe that there should be some regulations on firearms to keep citizens safe and that the attitude; I should have a gun "just in case" or "it's my right", may not be the best attitude to carry given the recent events.