Line item veto is a very bad deal.
Whooa there Ruffy, you miss the point. Line item vetoes are a good thing. Think of it this way. Your a congressman that wants something. You push a bill through a subcommittee. The subcommittee passes it with "a few" additional riders and earmarks. Then it goes to the House for a vote, staffers stick "a few" more riders on. (believe it or not) Then it goes to the house and passes or fails, but if it fails, you make a deal to get it passed with some minor changes and "a few" more riders and earmarks. By the time the House and Senate agree (Conference committee), it might have literally thousands of riders and earmarks on it. Line item veto says this, write a bill, pass the bill, and get the bill signed by the president. In congress they even have a special name for that type of bill it's called a "clean". There's nothing to line item veto in a bill like that. It's a bill, about a problem, that congress has voted on, that everyone understands what they passed. If the president vetoes it, the senate can override it.
You ever hear that so-and-so voted against some bill. It's probably because there is an earmark or rider in the bill that the congressman disagrees with.
Geeze, you make it sound like, if apples and oranges are on a bill, the president should accept both, or veto both. The real question is what are they both doing on the same bill in the first place. The advantage of line item, is that congressman are scared to vote in a bad bill, because they know their earmark or rider won't pass the BS test, and get past the president. And, if congress really wants that line item so bad, write another bill and force it through with an override.
Tying this all back into what Ollie's talking about, without riders and earmarks, senior congressman loss a lot of their power, they can't force subordinate congressman to vote their way, because they have nothing to bribe the subordinate with, except "promising" to support their bill in the future, or control subcommittees. The congressman then vote on the merits of the bill. Stop the games in congress!