pork barrel - something in a bill that helps one region or group. It can be a rider or an earmark. The Bridge to no where was an earmark to a transportation bill.
earmarks - tell an agency how to spend the money it was appropriated.
riders - is something added on, that has nothing to do with the original bill, that probably won't pass as a bill on it's own. Or it was introduced as a "poison pill" to kill the bill.
Line Item - is intended to allow the president to strike either one out. The Senate can override a line item veto. President Clinton had line item veto for a while, before Mayor Rudy Giuliani sued to put a stop to it. [Clinton versus City of New York.] Line Item was originally asked for by Reagan, but he never got it.
It is time to hit the reset button on our government.
earmarks - tell an agency how to spend the money it was appropriated.
riders - is something added on, that has nothing to do with the original bill, that probably won't pass as a bill on it's own. Or it was introduced as a "poison pill" to kill the bill.
Line Item - is intended to allow the president to strike either one out. The Senate can override a line item veto. President Clinton had line item veto for a while, before Mayor Rudy Giuliani sued to put a stop to it. [Clinton versus City of New York.] Line Item was originally asked for by Reagan, but he never got it.
It is time to hit the reset button on our government.