Tari, I think you jacked my thread here and you should of started another thread but since your here now tell us more about these kits?
1. How long ago did you start developing this kit?
2. How long have you been testing this kit?
3. How many kits have you sold?
4. How many miles have been put on your kit to date?
5. Why did you use the stock style pistonsng over the wisecos?
6. How does your kit change the timing?
7. Any dyno results or tests?
8. How does your kit compare to the MTNTK kit? (Other then the Head)
9. What have you used for fuel mapping and tunning?
10. How much shipped to the US with the excise or export tax's?
I too would be interested in hearing what you have to say about these questions.
I can guess that you are changing the port timing with the piston. I am curious what OEM piston you are using. Are they out of the old big block?