Correct, there is no way to not pay in, hence I wasn't arguing against that point.
The above quote though..... That is my point. Everyone is on here saying how much BS all these programs are, but yet most are drawing from them? So how does the cycle ever stop?
Look at Wolfruns attitude. He said it himself, he thinks he is entitled to that amount of money.... because he paid into it... So how do you end that program then? Someone is going to get the shaft, it doesn't sound like he will accept it being him, nor would most, I assume, in his position.
The only ones that seem to oppose it, are the ones not getting any benefit from it.
and yes, it would be poetic justice, blowing up the people that paid and are paying into the system for you to take money out of the system...
Though, better would be using your money to pay for someone elses SS costs.. That one might actually make a positive difference.
I find it interesting that despite the many different attitudes on here, they are all deemed acceptable as long as the person is viewed as "one of the guys", a republican, a conservative..... How about some consistency?
You miss my point. Your looking at this all backwards. You are going to have to bankrupt this country to stop paying it, that's the only way it will ever happen. All good socialist entitlement programs work off of people's expectations. Everyone over 50 is looking forward to the checks, they are a powerful political force, and will not be denied their "investments". It's a socialist poisoned pill This is exactly why I believe socialism hurts more than it helps.
The only way Social Security could have every been fixed, was the day it was created. They should have never created the stupid thing in the first place. Think about it, some bleeding heart socialist wanted to "help" people today. So, he created a program, that took from many, and promised them a return, and welfared others in. Then another group of socialist came along 30 years later, and stole the money, and promised to pay it back. Now, there's not enough people paying in, to keep the promises. And, the money's gone.
So, that original socialist that wanted to "help" some people, may end up being the destroyer of our country. Think about that, you create a program to help a few today, and you roll the dice on killing millions in 60 years. How is the social benefit of entitlement programs a good thing, when it only helps a few for a short while, and possibly plunges the same country into a civil war many years later. Or at least economic hardship, that's so bad, many times more harm is done than good.
Socialism, enabled by the past, stealing from the future.
Sounds a lot like Obama health care to me.
I don't know what your talking about, consistency. I completely understand and agree with Wolf, and many others on here. Wolf paid in for many years, and was told that it was a retirement he was paying towards. Although, he knew better. Now, he wants the smarty pants, that support socialism, to pay him back, like they promised. Put the screws to the socialist. Because it has never, and will never work, long term, it's a civilization ender.
Oh, and about using my social security checks, to blow up the liberals. First off, I'm a payer, and never expect to see "my socialism". Second, Obama's socialist liberals targeted audience was low income people, and rich elitist. I'd say the average Obama supporter, has a lot of money, or no money, or their pretty stupid. They aren't average net payers, I'm guessing. It would be poetic justice to blow up people, that thought Social Security payments, helped people. Social Security financed the killing of socialist. Don't worry, I don't have to do anything. When it all comes crashing down, others will be doing it for me.