BTW, good ones Ollie.
Ruffy, if your saying it's not going to be around, then why should you and I keep paying into it? It's not a tax. Taxes don't get put in savings accounts, the way SS used to be, when it was started until the 60's. In the 60's, do you think they stole the money and said, it's a tax now. Nope, they said were going to pay that account back. They were just borrowing the money.
Now, you've decided it's a tax. You've decided you must pay the tax, even though it wasn't a tax, and they are going to change all the rules. And, even though the money was all stolen for other socialist programs. Politicians have lied how many times here? Why the heck should we ever trust another one again?
My point is, your right, it won't be around, but here we are talking about socialist healthcare. We don't owe anyone health care, and if we can't meet our OBLIGATIONS FOR SS, then why in the hell are we starting yet another socialist program. A financially responsible person would pay back his obligations, and if he couldn't, he sure as heck wouldn't keep paying for programs he didn't have too. There is no obligation to welfare. A responsible person, would pay back his obligations FIRST. No new car, no new house, no hot rods, no charity. Pay back the debts first, and if you can't then cut back until you are paying nothing but what obligations you can.
Then just freaking kill all socialist programs. And quit stealing my money.
It's not fair to retirees to kill SS, we owe them. But, it's not fair to retirees that we give money to ACORN, and welfare, and all manners of socialist programs, and ear marks, and stimulus checks, and earned income credits, and tax based welfare, and ..... But, we can't pay working people back their retirement. That's just not right.