I understand the MOB mentality that Kelsey is referring to. It is in effect here. But I don't think it is in the way Kelsey is talking about.
Ryan has done this before, as noted in this thread. Others including myself have been burned before. A REPEAT offender has no way they can defend their actions. He, as I see it, bought a junk yard motor and passed it on as "rebuilt goods" under the thinly vailed guise of internet ananiminity. He gets the money and then does the "dodge and weave" in his replies to Scott's questions. As other have stated "it happens" "sorry dude, you got burned." "Buyer beware" doesn't leave a lot of room to trust.
What we have here is lynch mob going after a know "cattle rustler". Here in Montana that still a hanging offense.
Agreed.. 100%.. Nicely put...
If you read my post.. I did mention that this is
different because there are "written" facts via email and the guy has a history of this sort of thing.. So, I think we are in agreement...
Also, Scott's rep preceeds him.. But, the point being, everything you read on a public forum should not be taken as gospel WITHOUT some FACTS (like Scott has provided)
A REPEAT offender has no way they can defend their actions.
Again, we are in agreement...The other point I was trying to make, and I guess, I did not do such a good jobof it, was that this Yarrow dude has nothing to gain by coming on here and defending himself because of his history..
I am fairly sure that even 3 years from now, if Yarrow is selling something.. you guys (and I)will not buy it.. Correct? So, if he comes on here and states his side, Now, you will all buy from him??

I suspect not..
Scott and Yarrow handled this situation pirvately and resolved it.. I am sure this thread was a big part of why Yarrow decided to come clean..
But, to the person that stated that since Yarrow was not in this thread responding, that he was also not doing anything to make it right with Scott is simply not true.. Right? We all know he WAS doing something.
As you can see, he has made it right and he did not need to enter a public thread to make it right with Scott.
If Scott was the liar then I would expect Ryan to be on here immediately to defend himself.
I'm sure you do when you are accused wrongfully?...Right?
You asked, so I will answer..actually.. I NEVER enter the threads where there is false info about me. Why, because...it just makes things worse.
Of course, this case is different..Like I said, there was proof that was NOT just HEAR-SAY.. So, there is a difference between threads that offer proof and the threads that are based solely on hear-say.. Agreed?
NO DOUBT, the Snow Wester's came through on this one.. Nice to see this happening.