Well, it's been a few days since I visited, and not much has changed.
AK and Backcountry, along with Slick, M8 and Ron (and a few others) are still trying to get Christopher to recognize (and admit that he does) that SW has lost lots of good contributors.
Christopher seems to have gone into 'lurker' mode (no recent replies, following a threat to quit the thread), but somehow, he seems to consider a 'lurker' as someone who is an active member, so, in a way, I'm sure he's still "an active part of this thread".
Some guy with Fireman in his screen name didn't seem to read the whole thread and I think he kinda missed the main point, and Ruffy, well, I still can't make sense of Ruffy, I can't remember the last post I read of his that actually contributed something, so I'm guessing he just likes to try to piss people off.
Christopher, if you're still reading this, we keep trying. We keep trying to help you understand where the membership's perspective is. And, you just haven't been around long enough to understand. And, when someone tries to genuinely, and kindly explain where the community spirit of this place came from, and how it got here, you don't seem to want to embrace it, but rather change it.
This is a forum. And, like most socially interactive activities, there going to be personality 'issues'; some positive, some negative, some neutral. There will be squabbles, arguments, introductions made, friendships built and ended, cliques, discussions, education, and entertainment, just to name a few of the details of a situation like this. The common value that unites people here is sledding. Sledding does NOT have an inherit value system of personal conduct (like a faith-based forum for example). This means you will have different value systems for personal conduct.
When you start charging for your products or services (and this is both), YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE to those paying for such. There have been paying members that have asked direct questions, and done so with respect and kindness in their keystrokes, and they have not been answered with direct answers, and some have been met with sarcastic replies.
Is $10/ year a fair deal to have access to this site (the way it WAS), in order to facilitate keeping it up and running? YES! Undeniably, YES. But, that comes with an obligation to be forthright (and even polite) with your paying members, which, you have not been. And, for that matter, DeepDiver made a great point, that your 'silence'
may be directed by someone with higher financial authority than you. If that is in fact what is happening, those in charge are making a poor decision, and it will bite them in the behind, as this site continues to struggle, - and I suspect ultimately fail - if they continue down that chosen path. If your hand is being forced in that matter, as the 'face' (or keyboard) of that person or organization, you should appeal to them to do the right thing, and adjust their attitude and policies accordingly. Either that, or resign. Christopher, you occupy a difficult position, and I recognize that. It's actually simple capitalism: if your product value falls below the product cost, those buying will cease to buy, and your organization will ultimately fail.
I'm going to share a very personal example in hopes that you will take it to heart, and maybe learn and grow from it personally. I love my dad, but he can be difficult to get along with. His nature is one of being a manipulator, and a user, and as such he has a hard time sustaining friendships. He can be very charismatic and charming when it suits his needs, but that fades. He has a pattern of saying or writing hurtful things, or statements that are inappropriate or not very nice. And, when someone calls him on it, he backpedals and claims "I was just kidding, you know that". Sometimes, there is even an "I'm sorry" in there. At first, you can accept that, but after a bit of time, you come to realize he wasn't kidding, but he uses that method to try to cover for poor behavior. But his pattern doesn't change, and it drives quality people away.
Just to be perfectly clear Christopher, I do not know you well enough to accuse you of manipulative, or userous behavior (but that also means I don't know you well enough to defend you against such accusations).
Christopher, I have read, and re-read several posts in several threads where you have been sarcastic with members. When you have the role that you have in this community, that is a dangerous behavior to exhibit. It drives people away. In a previous post, I brought up that we ALL (myself included) would be wise to be very careful how we write things, as we loose vocal inflection, body language and facial expressions when our thoughts are put into letters, not spoken as words. Last fall, I posted something that was poorly written in haste, and as such, my meaning was easily misunderstood, and potentially damaging to a vendor's reputation. Fortunately, it was brought to my attention quickly, and I was able to delete the post, and then post a public apology for any misunderstanding I created. I put a lot more thought into the wording on that post, and it was my error entirely.
Christopher, I would like for SnoWest to return to the quality site it once was. And, I certainly don't mind paying $10/year for the membership. This is an example of how we vote with our dollars. I won't vote 'for' this site with the current condition, or attitude. And seeing as how it was once in a state/condition where I would have gladly supported it, (I never noticed the 'donate' button, nor was I aware funds were needed) and since your arrival it has degenerated into a place that I would not support, I'm not inclined to give you $10 on faith and promises of future developments.
I could be peeing into the wind here, but it wouldn't be the first, and likely won't be the last time.