I think that Cristopher and S.W./H.P are trying to get a handle on what they perceive to be a major problem with the forum of years past. (I agree, it is a problem) A few people can ruin a forum by talking trash and effectively running off many valuable members who don't want to put up with that kind of abuse. I've recieved dozens of emails proving this over the years, and it breaks my heart to hear from a potentially valuable member that refuses to join our community because they are unwilling to put up with the drama caused by ignorant trolls.
Its not the money for me, and I really doubt that its the money for them (SW/HP) either. Having people pay means that they have an investment. People don't want to loose their investment, so when a mod tells them that they are walking a fine line, they are much more likely to take a good hard look at their behavior if they have paid.
If this is truely the case, I understand the logic behind it. I just don't agree with it, and I believe it is harmful to the community. I've spent many, many, sleepless nights thinking about how to handle this very situation on my own forum, and I believe what S.W. is doing is wrong. It will get rid of the trash, but it will kill the forum and turn the community against Snowest. I considered the exact same thing for my forums not 6 months ago, but I was going to charge $100, but I couldn't do it. The community needs a common place to gather, willing to pay, or not. We have strength in our numbers, dispersing us among a dozen other websites will reduce our effectiveness, be it tech, riding conditions, snow reports, land use, or any other topic.
The key, IMO, is ruthless moderation. If the goal is to get rid of the trash, then treat trash like trash. Issue it out with the rest of the garbage, without regard. It takes only a few mouse clicks to ban a member. It takes dozens of clicks to re-register, a new email account, and maybe even a new proxy to get past an IP ban. 99.999% of the trolls will go away after the first couple attempts, and the rest... well, just keep banning them. Its that easy. The people that want to stay will either modify their behavior, or they will be banned.