I don't now man, I have really enjoyed this website over the last 10 or so years, and I don't hold it against them that the owners want and need to make a profit. And not even just a profit, but a worthwhile profit. I just cant agree with eliminating the free membership ability to contribute. I certainly will feel less compelled to contribute if I HAVE to pay to do so. I register on dozens of websites, make a quick but worthwhile contribution, then move on, maybe never coming back, maybe sticking around for a month or a year. If I had to pay, that would never happen. I always eventually support for the websites I really value, if they give me the option.
I once donated over $1000 to a member of a forum who's house burned down, I had never met the guy, never even read one of his threads, I just felt compelled to do something for him and his family. IF I had to pay to use that forum, I would have never known that guy was in need of help. When I find a really good forum, get to know it and the people who run it, its not uncommon for me to send them an anonymous payment for 2-10 times what their paid members pay on top of paying my yearly dues, just to make sure they are getting the support they need to stay online.
Some websites that I have been a member of for many years, I pay during years I have something to contribute, and let my membership lapse during years that I don't. One of the forums just happens to be one of the most successful in its industry. Seems to work just fine not having everyone paying. If I had to pay every year, I would have stopped contributing to that website long ago. I put hundreds if not thousands of hours into that forum, trying to help other people learn how to build suspensions and do their own fabrication. With the way this site will soon be run, there is no way I could do that.
I don't want to see the unpaid members of this site pushed away. They are valued by me and others like me, if not the owners and admin. Let they stay, let them contribute as they always have, and let them do it for free. If you want to entice people to pay, then have a small fee go toward using S.W. servers to host their pictures, let the paid members have all the goodies, the bigger avatars, customizable sig lines, bigger PM boxes, etc, etc, etc. But don't take away our freedom to contribute to each others threads.