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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
This is not a democracy.
This is a private corporate enterprise.

At the end of the day Harris Publishing alone makes the final decision on what does or does not happen on their forums.


totally wrong here...none of what happens or does not happen is in Harris Publishing control..how many private corporations have wished to go in one direction and the buying public just would not play..oh i don;t know the names...but hey check with the feds cause they do...they gave hundreds of billions of dollars to these guys how just somehow think they can;t fail..a magazine with a hundred thousand subscriptions and a snowmobile site that is dwarfed by two other free sites is always a breathe away from extended holidays


Feb 28, 2008
eastern washington
Perhaps KSH has come to understand that as a Paid member he now has a STAKE in the future of these forums. And that as a paid member who has a vested interest in what happens here his voice just might carry more weight now and in the future than it ever has in the past...

Aaahhh! I see! So all it takes is a little cash to make our opinion matter. Guess that's what this world's coming to.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
Good for you! That rocks. Running a forum takes a huge amount of time that most people have little or not understanding of. If you're running other forums on a full time basis like me then perhaps you do understand!


perhaps he does understand..??...condescending statement perhaps since the gentleman stated he commits 100 percent...i would think he probably does completely understand...perhaps...


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 16, 2007
Kenai, AK
But it doesn't stop these guys. I don't know where they find the time to do this. But they just keep creating accounts. One after another after another. There is no end to it. Its just such a waste of TIME and ENERGY. Don't they have anything better to do with their life???

How long have you been doing this Christopher?

Right now they are winning. I've been down this road a dozen times. The only way to win is to be consistent and ruthless. Never acknowledge them. Delete their accounts, never discuss anything with them. And NEVER talk about them in public! Oh... And get help. I feel you pain man, I really do. I've been doing this for a long time.


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
totally wrong here...none of what happens or does not happen is in Harris Publishing control..how many private corporations have wished to go in one direction and the buying public just would not play..oh i don;t know the names...but hey check with the feds cause they do...they gave hundreds of billions of dollars to these guys how just somehow think they can;t fail..a magazine with a hundred thousand subscriptions and a snowmobile site that is dwarfed by two other free sites is always a breathe away from extended holidays
You won't mind that we will disagree with you on this.
Harris Publishing didn't take any bailout money, they have been self supporting for 30 years now, and seem to have made wise business decisions all along that path. I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they still know what they are doing with their business plan.


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Aaahhh! I see! So all it takes is a little cash to make our opinion matter. Guess that's what this world's coming to.
Around here you can honestly say that talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Those members that are converting to Paid Premium Membership status are taking a positive stand for what they beleive in, in effect, they are standing up and being counted. Thus we think they deserve more voice than those who are just heckling from the crowd.


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
How long have you been doing this Christopher?

Right now they are winning. I've been down this road a dozen times. The only way to win is to be consistent and ruthless. Never acknowledge them. Delete their accounts, never discuss anything with them. And NEVER talk about them in public! Oh... And get help. I feel you pain man, I really do. I've been doing this for a long time.
About 5 years now.
Understand, this is my job, and I am OK with it.
For the opposition, this is just a game for them.
I shake my head at it because I think it is just such a waste of time and energy, but it's a game that I signed on to play. They could be doing something really productive with their time and energy, but have chosen to waste it on this instead.

The rules of the game will change in a rather dramatic fashion very shortly now..

But as Sherlock was fond of saying to Dr. Holmes...

The Game is Afoot!


Feb 28, 2008
eastern washington
Around here you can honestly say that talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Those members that are converting to Paid Premium Membership status are taking a positive stand for what they beleive in, in effect, they are standing up and being counted. Thus we think they deserve more voice than those who are just heckling from the crowd.

thanks for clearing that up. Give you money, and you listen, no money and we are just heckling. Sounds like we all better fall in line with all these private messages you guys claim to be getting in support of your changes, then maybe we can have some REAL voices in this forum. I don't see that anyone's opinion has been taken seriously on the changes to these forums (maybe there have been a bunch of PM's I don't know about) since it started so I have a hard time thinking anything will change once you have our money.......awww man...there I go heckling again.

So if I paid you 30 bucks would you call this a real voice, an opinion or still just heckling or whining?:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
You won't mind that we will disagree with you on this.
Harris Publishing didn't take any bailout money, they have been self supporting for 30 years now, and seem to have made wise business decisions all along that path. I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they still know what they are doing with their business plan.

i didn;t want to indicate that Harris was the recipient of bail-out money..but the ones that were have been in business a heck of a lot longer then 30 years...and have had what they thought was sound business plans as well...but the step taken is the decisions of the owners...totally their right to do what they want..but too bad they have a consumer as part of it...some times that little factor just bites a business in the ar$e bigtime


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2008
The key, IMO, is ruthless moderation. If the goal is to get rid of the trash, then treat trash like trash. Issue it out with the rest of the garbage, without regard. It takes only a few mouse clicks to ban a member. It takes dozens of clicks to re-register, a new email account, and maybe even a new proxy to get past an IP ban. 99.999% of the trolls will go away after the first couple attempts, and the rest... well, just keep banning them. Its that easy. The people that want to stay will either modify their behavior, or they will be banned.

An interesting viewpoint.

My original username from MANY years ago was MotoPsycho... without the "-"

The only reason my username is what it is now is because of wrongful bannings... 3 to be exact. I tried to stand up for the masses against some self proclaimed "forum Gods". They teased, berated, and picked on members for no apparent reasons. I stood up to them, and was banned - over and over and over, because they were friends with the forum staff.

The only reason I am still here is because my will-power, and my forum knowledge was stronger than the forums admin's. I could circumvent IP bannings, username bannings, and the general BS the mod's and admin's threw at me.

I guess my point is: I thought I had something productive to share, and I have worked hard to continue to do so.

If someone wants to cause hate and discontent, it doesn't take much more effort than I exerted to do so.

If the faithful members want this to be a premier site, they have to agree to do so - i.e. - shut up and pay. There is your united front.

This is a capitalist driven business, which also falls under a democracy. Either the majority pays, or the majority leaves. It's up to Harris to deal with the aftermath of either of those scenarios, and up to us to decide which way we wish to go.

I'll guarantee whining and b-itching doesn't work in congress, and it won't work here either. Either pony up, or go away... there are no other productive options.

PS, I think I am a decent member... can I have my original username back? It's been at least 4 years...:face-icon-small-con


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 25, 2007
well out of 800 members on tonight...20 are paid...thats not bad since it isn;t the due date yet..

yesterday christopher was bragging how busy they were because so many were paying..so I started going to all the biggest threads and looking to see how many showed paid..an average thread with 600 to 1000 different veiwers on them it worked out to be about 10 payers ..tonite..you cant see who all has veiwed a thread..thats funny..paranoidia is rampant......
Last edited:


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 16, 2007
Kenai, AK
An interesting viewpoint.

My original username from MANY years ago was MotoPsycho... without the "-"

The only reason my username is what it is now is because of wrongful bannings... 3 to be exact. I tried to stand up for the masses against some self proclaimed "forum Gods". They teased, berated, and picked on members for no apparent reasons. I stood up to them, and was banned - over and over and over, because they were friends with the forum staff.

The only reason I am still here is because my will-power, and my forum knowledge was stronger than the forums admin's. I could circumvent IP bannings, username bannings, and the general BS the mod's and admin's threw at me.

I guess my point is: I thought I had something productive to share, and I have worked hard to continue to do so.

If someone wants to cause hate and discontent, it doesn't take much more effort than I exerted to do so.

If the faithful members want this to be a premier site, they have to agree to do so - i.e. - shut up and pay. There is your united front.

This is a capitalist driven business, which also falls under a democracy. Either the majority pays, or the majority leaves. It's up to Harris to deal with the aftermath of either of those scenarios, and up to us to decide which way we wish to go.

I'll guarantee whining and b-itching doesn't work in congress, and it won't work here either. Either pony up, or go away... there are no other productive options.

PS, I think I am a decent member... can I have my original username back? It's been at least 4 years...:face-icon-small-con

I hate to hear about people with good stuff to add that get banned, but some times thats the colateral damage that I talked about. It takes a special kind of person to be a good moderator, its alot harder than most people think. I don't know your history, but having been on both sides of this situation, I will say that both sides need to use alot of tact, and keep a level head and an open mind.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Kremmling, Colorado
And what happens to the money that some of us paid when the SW/HP hat in hand "please give" campaign started? Back then, I happily fired up the PayPal account. Do we get credit on this mandatory pay to play?


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
And what happens to the money that some of us paid when the SW/HP hat in hand "please give" campaign started? Back then, I happily fired up the PayPal account. Do we get credit on this mandatory pay to play?
Send me a PM and tell me about your donations.
If you were a stand up member that contributed of your own free will, I would like to know about it.


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
yesterday christopher was bragging how busy they were because so many were paying..so I started going to all the biggest threads and looking to see how many showed paid..an average thread with 600 to 1000 different veiwers on them it worked out to be about 10 payers ..tonite..you cant see who all has veiwed a thread..thats funny..paranoidia is rampant......
You're getting paranoid on us here...
I wasn't even online yesterday.
Took my boys out sledding for the day, so there were no changes made to anything.

Considering we have not begun to send out notices to the gneral members about the option to upgrade to PREMIUM MEMBER status, the number of people who have stumbled across this thread and decided to become paid members has been just fine.

But if you have taken it upon yourself to be the designated "tracker at large", then I am sure over the next several weeks you will see a steady daily increase in numbers, just like we are seeing every day right now.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 25, 2007
You're getting paranoid on us here...
I wasn't even online yesterday.
Took my boys out sledding for the day, so there were no changes made to anything.

Considering we have not begun to send out notices to the gneral members about the option to upgrade to PREMIUM MEMBER status, the number of people who have stumbled across this thread and decided to become paid members has been just fine.

But if you have taken it upon yourself to be the designated "tracker at large", then I am sure over the next several weeks you will see a steady daily increase in numbers, just like we are seeing every day right now.

well then can we turn back on the member list at the bottom of each thread that shows who has veiwed the thread? it has worked and been there up till saturday morning ,now its gone..? its one of the new features I actually use..nice to see who has veiwed the thread and when....
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