I once went and looked at a truck for sale on Craigslist, test drove it, looked it over for an hour, etc. I wanted it bad but didn't have the money and was going to try and sell mine first. Well, a month later mine was sold, I had cash in hand and the truck was still on craigslist. Called and called and called, texted him a bunch of times finally 3 days later responded with a text that he lost his phone at work and the truck was still for sale and I could buy it if I'd like. Well I said I could be there that weekend with the cash he said sounds good, we agreed on a time also. Day later texts back that he has to work Saturday so he couldn't sell it that weekend. He said how about next I said sure. Fast forward later that next week I asked if we are still on for Saturday he replies how he can't because he's going to be up north for a family reunion but insisted the next Saturday would work. Well of course I waited until later that week to make sure we were still on for Saturday, he replies how it was his birthday and his parents were taking him on a vacation so he couldnt!!! I was beyond pissed, here I am 3 weeks without a vehicle, making arrangements every freaking day to get to work, not to mention sending my buds a pic of the truck I'm going to pick up and then don't... I still had his address I felt like driving an hour to his doorstep and reaming him a new one. I haven't quite had an experience as bad as that one since, except it seems when I post anything nowadays I get 20 kids texting me how they want it but can't get it until next week, I tell them to text me when your available to pickup the item and never get a response.