im pretty happy with the deal i found, i couldn't get a dealer in Minnesota who had one to get close. M+M had 4 and wouldn't budge off 15k and the sales guy pretty much seemed not to give a dam that i could get one in colorado for 12999, almost like it was not like getting a free trip out west buying in colorado. what a dimwit, did he think i was riding a 165 rmk in minnesota.
I was pretty much committed to just taking my boost out west and having the most hp but the smallest track in our group till i found the sled in SD and it was cheaper than colorado to boot and its 2 miles off the freeway im driving on anyway.
the 7s was pretty much free on this sled and i think its a game changer in the gauge/ mapping it allows, i would have added it if it was not on the sled. i'm just hoping the 165 is not too long but im not a spring chicken so i think it will cover up some of the loss in my skills and allow me to not go in so hot all the time.