I'm at a loss for words!....almost
The ignorance is simply so thick in this particular thread that any reasonable comments or helpful advice is knocking on this ignoramus' door and I'm pretty sure no one is home to answer.
I respect every competent riders CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM in regards to their sleds' reviews but this is nowhere near close to being A) from a competent rider B) Constructive C) helpful or D) thought provoking.
Alright POINDEXTER, again with the too much flotation..... You haven't elaborated on this fact. I, myself, as well as my fellow snowesters following this thread would like to see you explain your seemingly infinite wisdom in your rebuttal, not just more word garbage.
And really?..............really?..............You're comparing a stock RENTAL XP to "your" turboed Polaris? Am I wrong in thinking that a turboed sled of any kind will carry it's skis higher and further than a rental XP? If I'm wrong, you wasted a nice chunk of dough on your snowmobile.
Now please, with all due respect, respond to this (yet again) with an unrelated comment about mine or someone elses style of riding style, or better yet our choice of sleds and further continue to dig yourself a hole into what will soon become a bottomless pit of ignorance and sheer fatuity.