LOL....good stuff
I've certainly never been on a night ride that didn't involve several "emergencies"
Breakdowns happen Bigman....if you sled long enough (likely won't have to be very long) you're gonna have to deal with them, period. Might as well get used to the idea. In my short 9 ish years sledding, a few memorable moments have been:
- Blowing a chaincase and having to drag my feet for brakes the whole way down. Dragging my whole self off the rear bumper for brakes on steeper sections.
- Tying a front end together with logs and sticks....tying to another sled to use as steering out of some pretty gnarly terrain
- Laying a sled on its side over a log and jumping on the rails to get them "straight"
- Hanging a sled in the air, by its rear bumper, from a beam on a backcountry cabin porch....and beating the rails and tunnel "straight" with firewood at about 3am on a work night.
- Blown engines requiring tow outs involving cum-along's, chainsaw winches, rope, swearing, a day off work, etc
- Leaving sleds till the next day because you didn't have the people and/or parts to get them out that day.
- Running out of gas
- Friends running out of gas
- Everyone running out of gas simultaneously
No one died, no helicopters required, and most were pretty funny when it all came out in the wash.