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Ship Pipe to Dan Davidoff (Krazy Canadian) But he doesnt Pay

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Sep 18, 2009
Puyallup, WA
phatty - i dont know how you intended to come off by calling me kid numerous times. but i'm not a kid, surely not your kid, and dont expect to be called or treated as a kid...nor do i think i acted like a kid.

keep in mind, i never said anything about being pissed about the deal. i sucked it up, and was asking for opinions. share stories. its humbling to hear points of views when you know they can go 50/50. dont you think thats a bold attempt in and of itself?

thanks for PM'ing me his numbers. unfortunately i'm busy at my 60hr work week job, balancing a girlfriend, child, house, truck, car, yard, and projects around the house...all before the snow flies. therefore, i'm not going to act as a collection agency by calling him day and night every day of the week - like you suggested. If your such good friends with him why dont you call im and text him the link to this thread. I know if this was my buddy i'd be calling him asking WTF! on the flip side, id sure want my buddies who lurk and post on SW to give me a heads up if this was happening to me.

i feel i did my part by making a deal (and we all know this deal has many turns). i did my part by delivering what he wanted, in full, in an expedited manner to to his satisfaction...to get him back on the snow ASAP.

was it fully reciprocated? ask your self that.
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Adrenaline Revolution

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
In the foothills of the Cascades
So instead of calling 3-4 days a week to bug dan about it, he sits and waits and then slanders the guy on snowest. Is it wrong to do? probably not, we all want a fair shake and dan does owe the kid money. Could it be handled differently? for sure. Too many people today think solving problems means spewing it all over the internet for the masses to see without 2 sides of the story. Burn the witch at the stake before they are even allowed to tell their side of the story.
Dang Phatty, I know your opinion is supposed to be given higher credence that that of a mere mortal, average Joe Rider but reading what you wrote made me want to puke.
Dan made a deal.
Dan, so far has not met his obligations for said deal.
There is no slander, character assassination, or libel when what's claimed is factual.
Did you know the other side of the story before you Flamed Brandy for HER indiscretion?

Just wondering.

I thought YOU were a stand-up guy until I read your comments.
In the end you are just as Mortal as the rest of us.
Nov 11, 2010
Salmon Arm BC
It's $75 hold your damn horses. Not like it's going to break the bank for either of you I'm sure he will come good on it and if not M8MM offered to cover it so you quit whining. Like Jorli said I'm sure he's more concerned with his real life instead of getting $75 to a guy that was willing to drag his name through the mud after waiting 2 weeks for $75 during the busiest time of his year.
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Nov 21, 2007
Salt Lake City
Dang Phatty, I know your opinion is supposed to be given higher credence that that of a mere mortal, average Joe Rider but reading what you wrote made me want to puke.
Dan made a deal.
Dan, so far has not met his obligations for said deal.
There is no slander, character assassination, or libel when what's claimed is factual.
Did you know the other side of the story before you Flamed Brandy for HER indiscretion?

Just wondering.

I thought YOU were a stand-up guy until I read your comments.
In the end you are just as Mortal as the rest of us.

@midwest-cat. dont take offense to the word kid, its not offensive and there is nothing wrong with the word kid, it wasnt meant to be offensive, i use it all the time. kids are loveable and fun. anyways I tried to help YOU out by providing a way to get in touch with him by providing both his cell and home phone so that YOU and DAN can solve the problem instead of turning it into a witchhunt on snowest. I never said that Dan was in the right here, he isnt, he clearly owes you money. And maybe he doesnt have the moral character to pay up without being bugged, maybe he did too many drugs in years past and doesnt remember things well? I dunno... but it seems like a few phonecalls or texts would go much further than facebook messages in helping you collect. Which is what I was trying to do. Lastly I would say though that you need to stop hiding behind the "i never said anything about being pissed about the deal" the very fact you posted this thread says you are pissed. And again I am not saying you dont have a right to be, I am saying perhaps there is a better way of handling it.

of course I am mortal, im human just like everyone else and I am entitled to my thoughts, opinions, judgements just like everyone else. Sometimes people agree with me, sometimes they dont. doesnt make any of us worth less than the others.

and believe it or not I DID know most of the back story to the brandy situation and the people involved. and my whole point on that was the same as it is here. There are better ways to handle it than putting out dirty laundry for the world to see. Imagine if we all posted online all the time about all the people who do something we don't like and let the masses judge and form opinions based off 1/2 the story or less.


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Nov 26, 2007
Billings, MT
The comments about well gee it's only $75 it's not gonna break your bank crack me up. Really?? Doesn't matter if it's $5 or $75 if ya owe somebody $$$ you pay up, period.

Hey Midwest, ya know what it is called when someone owes you $$$$ and you never see or hear from that person ever again?????.................................A good investment!!!


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2007
WTF are you smoking?? He cant pay because it takes too much time/money to make sled films..I say, if 75$ is hard to come up with then making, distributing and promoting sled films is WAAAAAAY too expensive! Maybe he needs a side job...LMAO but seriously...what are you smoking?[/QUOTE]

You guys are unreal, try walking a mile in someone else's shoes..... I'm sure Dan HAD every intent to deal with this.

I can't speak for him, but I can speak for myself having just finished Fourcast 3. Imagine watching every cent in bank account almost instantly evaporate, and on your credit card, and your line of credit and your overdraft so that you can get your film out on time. Thats what its like making sled films and although $75 is nothing, it may not list as the highest priority of crippling debt that producers deal with at this time of year. Literally every cent of revenue from F3 has gone back into paying for the costs of the production....thats not self employment, thats self destruction. If Dan is in the same boat, I understand why he might be slow on paying. Its not easy when your sponsorship and distribution revenue amount to maybe 1/5 of the real costs to produce these shows. If you don't think there is any value in these shows, then why implicate his name publicly to grand stand your point? If it was really about the principle, why not phrase it anonymously?[/QUOTE]

Are you kidding me? How is this any different then somebody using your services as a guide and then my check bouncing? Would "it's my busy time of year" or " My what ever movie isn't doing so well" be an acceptable excuse? Didn't think so.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
why is this thread still going...I paid Midwest last night so it should be the end of it...

ps ..I think the pipe was to put his sled back to stock because he may have sold the turbo from it and needed a pipe
to have a running sled for sale because he has a doo now..??....anyway no matter...Midwest has Mcdonald money again

and Krazy must be busy somewhere..he hasn't been around for 10 days..

KrazyCanadian KrazyCanadian is offline
KrazyCanadian Dan Davidoff

Last Activity: 09-27-2013 01:55 PM
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Jul 13, 2009
@ Drifter

Yes, actually I had someone's check bounce for guiding services and they went MIA. I'm done with this thread, it has been so misinterpreted. I will clarify for a final time, NO, I do not think its OK for someone to bail on their commitments. I've dealt with my share of that crap within this industry and its left me in a very difficult position. BUT, its one thing to bail and another to be a bit late, I'm not making excuses for him, I'm just letting you guys into what its like behind the "red carpet" of snowmobile movie making, I didn't bring up the point that because he is involved in this, that it somehow puts him on a pedestal and makes it OK, that is not my point here and I don't need to be villanized for offering my perspective as to why things may be taking longer than they should.

My position is that I think its DEAD WRONG to be publicly defaming the guy for being 2 weeks late, I DIDN'T SAY FOR NOT PAYING! Many of companies that I invoice require 30, 60 and sometimes 90 day terms, welcome to real life!!!! I have a lot of people (and companies) I'd like publicly call out as well, but that is taking the low road. That is it for me on this thread.

There is an opening for new snowmobile film, get at 'er boys!!!!


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Nov 7, 2009
Fish Lake WA.
Keep it home

I have read this thread, and wonder why it was posted anyways. This forum is about snowmobiling, not bit##ing about someone personal problems! Don't care who it is! I read this forum for info! If product's are sub par, problems with your sled, help in fixing your sled, riding tech's, BS with ridding buddies, riding conditions,...... NOT PERSONAL TRANSACTIONS! JMO

Keep it to yourself!:crazy:


Well-known member
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Nov 8, 2012
Abbotsford BC
why is this thread still going...I paid Midwest last night so it should be the end of it...

ps ..I think the pipe was to put his sled back to stock because he may have sold the turbo from it and needed a pipe
to have a running sled for sale because he has a doo now..??....anyway no matter...Midwest has Mcdonald money again

I live in the area he lives in and I saw his TURBO around for sale... Just saying.

On another note I probly shouldnt even make this comment because any post will be a post that keeps all this B*tching going on in this thread... Whoops
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Adrenaline Revolution

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
In the foothills of the Cascades
I have read this thread, and wonder why it was posted anyways. This forum is about snowmobiling, not bit##ing about someone personal problems! Don't care who it is! I read this forum for info! If product's are sub par, problems with your sled, help in fixing your sled, riding tech's, BS with ridding buddies, riding conditions,...... NOT PERSONAL TRANSACTIONS! JMO

Keep it to yourself!:crazy:
Ummm, Have you noticed the classifieds section?

Check it out, lots of really good deals and personal transactions.
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Scott Stiegler
Staff member
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Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
This is a forum. A place to connect with the sledding industry.

Some use it for promoting sledding, products and services.
Some use it to connect with new buddies.
Some use it to check snow conditions and riding areas.
Some use it to assist in trouble shooting or problem solving, whether it be mechanical or human caused.

IMO, NONE of these is a wrong application of forum resources.
IMO, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about EACH of these.

I've no stake, no say and no opinion of this transaction between Dan and Midwest. I haven't even read the details of their situation. BUT, I have read many many of the comments and the dozens of reported posts.

If any of you remember my thread in 2009 (before I became a moderator) and the engine sale and (ensuing problem) I had with a certain seller on here...I spent a month conversing and dealing with this POS engine after the sale. I posted the full conversation on here...FULL email conversation. The other person's words spoke for themselves.

Guess what, I must have done it the right way because I had 100% support from the forum. I asked for no witch hunts, but it sounds like the person was contacted by other forum members. I live in Montana, the seller was in NY State...people from CA, AK, MT, NY, IA...and everywhere in between helped me out. They had my back.
SOME resolution was reached, because he did give me SOME money. NOT NEARLY ENOUGH, but he had to bend on that one because of this "family" here on SW.

Crazy thing...THAT forum member turned out to be a dirt bag. He was buying crap parts from sled boneyards and selling "barely used" and "new" parts that he claimed came off of "his" personal sleds. BWAAHAHAHAHA.
Without this forum (and the local New Yorkers on here that dug around and found him), he wouldn't have been outed...and the word spread out to 3 or 4 other forums he was using too.
He disappeared from those forums because of this. And that's a good thing for the integrity of the used snowmobile parts market.
RIP username "Trader01" (Ryan Yarrow/Jamie Finn).

Now back to your regularly scheduled SnoTel check-ins.
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