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Ship Pipe to Dan Davidoff (Krazy Canadian) But he doesnt Pay

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Jan 20, 2008
look...settlement is pending...do you now refute your claim that you are owed any money..because you are refusing immediate settlement


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
So because he's in a business that requires a lot of time/money with no immediate or guarenteed return on his investment he should be extended credit? Boo fricken hoo! Welcome to self employment! I'm sure both these guys are stand up, honest guys but he made a poor decision by not taking the time to pay for an item he received. Just pay the 75 bucks and maybe the op will delete the thread? If this was average joe that nobody on this site knew I have a feeling some posts wouldn't be so sympathetic

[/QUOTE]WTF are you smoking?? He cant pay because it takes too much time/money to make sled films..I say, if 75$ is hard to come up with then making, distributing and promoting sled films is WAAAAAAY too expensive! Maybe he needs a side job...LMAO but seriously...what are you smoking?[/QUOTE]

You guys are unreal, try walking a mile in someone else's shoes..... I'm sure Dan HAD every intent to deal with this.

I can't speak for him, but I can speak for myself having just finished Fourcast 3. Imagine watching every cent in bank account almost instantly evaporate, and on your credit card, and your line of credit and your overdraft so that you can get your film out on time. Thats what its like making sled films and although $75 is nothing, it may not list as the highest priority of crippling debt that producers deal with at this time of year. Literally every cent of revenue from F3 has gone back into paying for the costs of the production....thats not self employment, thats self destruction. If Dan is in the same boat, I understand why he might be slow on paying. Its not easy when your sponsorship and distribution revenue amount to maybe 1/5 of the real costs to produce these shows. If you don't think there is any value in these shows, then why implicate his name publicly to grand stand your point? If it was really about the principle, why not phrase it anonymously?


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Nov 27, 2007
Nakusp, BC
it's funny Canadians all know about the expenses of shipping from us to Canada, but rarely share that info with the seller. at least that's how it was in my case, I ended up paying to sell errr give my stuff to a guy up north . I made a simple rule no sales that go over the boarder . sorry it happened to you to . live and learn

I totally disagree with this....most everything I need comes form the USA and I make a point of asking for shipping USPS tracking and I do as much research as possible to save a dime. Free trade my arse !!!
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Jan 20, 2008
In almost all cases after I make the deal regarding parts I always say to the seller that if shipping ends up being more that im willing to make things right.

Almost all the time the seller does get accurate quotes though so all ends up being on the up and up

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I can't take it anymore.
rule #1 on any transaction. Get your money first before shipping.
rule #2 If there are problems then reread rule #1.

Jorli, he definately jumped the gun on his post but for you to say what you just said is crazy. I understand what you are saying as far as money to get a film up and going but if it was like that then he shouldn't have bought the pipe. That is what I call priorities. It has nothing to do with value in shows. It has nothing to do with sled films period. I can't believe you think this is ok.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
I can't take it anymore.
rule #1 on any transaction. Get your money first before shipping.
rule #2 If there are problems then reread rule #1.

Jorli, he definately jumped the gun on his post but for you to say what you just said is crazy. I understand what you are saying as far as money to get a film up and going but if it was like that then he shouldn't have bought the pipe. That is what I call priorities. It has nothing to do with value in shows. It has nothing to do with sled films period. I can't believe you think this is ok.

I'm not saying its ok, its not, but neither is engaging in this type slander and character assassination. I was also a bit thrown off by both shows being on the same weekend as well, so as indicated, there was a reset in the deal in which 2 weeks in terms of time is as much of nothing as 75$ is in cash. Thats a bit premature to be engaging in defamation and as I've also described and other people have indicated, its a busy time of the year and producers are getting hit with a lot of costs. I would be exhausting a few more options before taking this road myself. Either way, communication should have been key from sides.
Sep 18, 2009
Puyallup, WA
I think your on to something...

He needed the pipe so he could finish filming. Without the pipe the video would get scratched. Now he spent his balance sheet making the vids, but is tapped out until mid winter when video sales have peaked. Then once he's back in the black, ill see payment next spring.

....this sounds so logical. Didn't know why I didn't think of this before.
Sep 18, 2009
Puyallup, WA
Wait a minute...there was never any slander toward Dan. No false accusations damaging to his character. From my first post I made it very clear that i laid out the whole story and was very truthful. I was looking for opinions to the situation As a whole.

As far as character assassinations, I never embellished the truth, exaggerated in any way, and i told the story from a neutral position. I also said that I would publish the conversation. No one has asked for it, so I'm assuming people believe the story as a whole.
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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Originally Posted by jerrydecoy
So because he's in a business that requires a lot of time/money with no immediate or guarenteed return on his investment he should be extended credit? Boo fricken hoo! Welcome to self employment! I'm sure both these guys are stand up, honest guys but he made a poor decision by not taking the time to pay for an item he received. Just pay the 75 bucks and maybe the op will delete the thread? If this was average joe that nobody on this site knew I have a feeling some posts wouldn't be so sympathetic

You guys are unreal, try walking a mile in someone else's shoes..... I'm sure Dan HAD every intent to deal with this.

I can't speak for him, but I can speak for myself having just finished Fourcast 3. Imagine watching every cent in bank account almost instantly evaporate, and on your credit card, and your line of credit and your overdraft so that you can get your film out on time. Thats what its like making sled films and although $75 is nothing, it may not list as the highest priority of crippling debt that producers deal with at this time of year. Literally every cent of revenue from F3 has gone back into paying for the costs of the production....thats not self employment, thats self destruction. If Dan is in the same boat, I understand why he might be slow on paying. Its not easy when your sponsorship and distribution revenue amount to maybe 1/5 of the real costs to produce these shows. If you don't think there is any value in these shows, then why implicate his name publicly to grand stand your point? If it was really about the principle, why not phrase it anonymously?[/QUOTE]

You quote me and then tell me to think about walking in someone else's shoes? Pretty bold statement when we know nothing about each other. I have no idea what it's like to be you or dan But we all have are own problems. I don't know what it's like to make sled films. I've only been a measly horseshoer for the last 22 years but I can't bitch about it because it's a job but most importantly I chose it. Nobody is holding a gun to my head and making me do this for a living and I'm damn sure not going to use that as an excuse to not pay my bills in the summer when Things are crazy. . This thread has nothing to do with what someone does for a living! Midwest cat naming the person who owes the money makes no difference to me. My opinion on the matter wouldn't change if Jesus Christ himself bought the pipe!
I made a statement in an earlier post that I didn't know either one of these guys but I'm sure they were both stand up, honest fellows. Yet I still say a mistake has been made by him not paying for it. We all make mistakes.That's not character assassination or dragging his name in the mud. It's just my opinion. I'm sure from what people have posted on here that know him that he did have plans on paying for it. I'm just surprised that Midwest cat has not gotten a call, email or txt to make arrangements for pymt either now or later down the road
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 19, 2009
hanging out in a tree well at the top.
Slow down.He is busy working on his sled. The pipe is giving him a hard time as it didn't come cut to length with a flange for a turbo.:becky: As for dragging his name through the mud. Yup you did it with this thread. You said he hasn't paid you for parts received to the world. What kind of comments did you think you were gonna get? Since june?? It cost you $75 to get rid of him.

I don't ship till funds are paid. Bank transfer is instant. Just because he is in films and makes films doesn't justify anything.

These are the days of our live's. Drama smiley;)


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Nov 21, 2007
Salt Lake City

Same place everyone else in the industry is this year. Taking 2 days a week to travel to shows, 3 days on the weekends to work shows, and using the other 2 days to fit in your 40 hour regular job. Last I knew Dan was working on power lines in the brush so he may well indeed be away from technology for a week or two.

I'm 2-3 weeks behind on shipping videos out to people. Granted these are not items people have paid for, but promotional items generously donated to clubs, fundraisers, and other events that give back to the sled community. So I know how busy this time of year is for people who work in the industry.

Yea the poor kid got worked on the pipe deal, which he is pissed about. The edmonton/seattle show screwed everyone over this year, for some people it literally cost tens of thousands of dollars in sales, so get in line on getting screwed by that, I would take losing $75 over what missing the seattle show cost me.

From an outside position, the kid was already pissed about the pipe which he didn't make any money on, then he wants cash instead of gear, well I can tell you dan probably has to sell the gear now to make the cash. So instead of calling 3-4 days a week to bug dan about it, he sits and waits and then slanders the guy on snowest. Is it wrong to do? probably not, we all want a fair shake and dan does owe the kid money. Could it be handled differently? for sure. Too many people today think solving problems means spewing it all over the internet for the masses to see without 2 sides of the story. Burn the witch at the stake before they are even allowed to tell their side of the story. Anyhow, Im going to PM the kid Dan's phone number and I hope he calls it once a day till he gets paid. And I hope at the point he comes on here and says that Dan paid up.
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