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Riding in the little belts--thread retired

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Skooter is putting out challenges. Says that Dragon he is riding will whip all comers. Seems I read his wife was whipping his A$$S. Maybe she doesn't know about his challenges but I bet she will now.

Ya, he's been beating Team Skooby. Has your carbs been icing?? Not sure on how to turn the de-icer thing on...maybe that' s our problem?? THat and Skooby can't breath...I brush him off, but it doesn't help. He also is using more gas than the Dragon too. Team Skooby ran out of gas a mile from the parking lot. :(

Team Skooby take your belt guard off. On top right behind the secondary you will see a red valve. It should be off you can turn it on but I am thinking that is not the problem. Try running some Red Iso-Heat in the gas (1/2 bottle per tank). With this warm and cold weather my guess is you have water in your fuel. Run the best gas you can buy highest octane pump 91 or higher. Always fill your tank at the end of the day less room for water to form. Also you need to burp Team Skooby just before riding and you can add another gallon then. But do it just before you ride otherwise it will expand out the overflow. Make sure you are getting top RPM 8150 get a set of quick clickers makes changing them a breeze. (To burp With gas cap on depress the tunnel as far as possible on the back bumper this will allow you to add another gal or close)
BTW I am 100 lbs heavier than Skooter so it should be a fair fight my XP is running real well no icing. One more hint NGKBR8EIX Plugs.

Skooter I am getting the can because I rode with a guy that had one and I like the sound. No HP gain at all might even be -1HP. I'll try to even the battle LOL
Had a great ride Sunday. Snow getting set up but still lots of soft stuff to play in. Did the "A" loop plus lots of side trips. My M8 made some nasty sounds when I got stuck in Broken Foot but hooked back up and made it home. Got 1100+ miles this year so probably need an oil change.

Kev57 and Roughrider, I looked for you at the parking lots but found no Canadian license plates. Hope you had a good time, maybe see you next year. You picked a good weekend.
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hey i saw in the billings gazette today that there were two avys in the belts this weekend.:eek: sounded like they were on the west side of the highway. we didnt make it over there this year but did quite a bit last year. i was wondering if anyone had any pics of these. avy danger must be high if they are lightin off up there. was supposed to go up tomorrow but cant get away:mad: oh well. glad to see in the article that noone got hurt. to many avy casualties for one year imo.
Wow, what a weekend of riding we just had! Saturday was like riding in January, the snow was so soft. The climbing was good, despite the powder. Lots of rocks showing, but we were able to pick our way. Headin up tomorrow night (no classes on friday) and hope I can find somebody to ride with....

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gotta luv april!

... Winter Storm Watch in effect from Tuesday morning through late
Wednesday night above 6000 feet...

The National Weather Service in Great Falls has issued a Winter
Storm Watch... which is in effect from Tuesday morning through
late Wednesday night.

Moisture from a Pacific storm system will move into Montana late
tonight. This moisture will interact with a cooling airmass and
produce snow... especially over the mountains of southwest and
central Montana. Snow will begin tonight over southwest Montana
and spread northeast on Tuesday. Snow accumulations of 1 to 2 feet
is possible from early Tuesday through Wednesday night with up to
3 feet of snow over the highest peaks. In addition to the
snow... gusty north winds may cause areas of blowing and drifting
snow... especially through favored mountain passes.

The valleys and plains of southwest and central Montana will see a
mix of rain and snow... with snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A Winter Storm Watch means there is a potential for significant
snow... sleet... or ice accumulations that may impact travel.
Continue to monitor the latest forecasts.
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Black Summit, Fuzz..................I hope you guys still have your steeds at the ready!!!!!Maybe Thurs. or Fri.??????????
XXL, Fuzz is in Seeley. I am busy until Friday. I am sure Fuzz will be up for it. It looks like that will be the day things start clearing from the storm. Could be another mid-week epic day like the last one we had.
We were up last Saturday and it was definately spring conditions, 65 degrees and the snow was soup. Had a little fire and smoked some hot dogs, good times.

If you guys are having a mid-week ride let me know and I'll try to meet up with ya.

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Sounds like a possible. 3" of new on the snotel...and the "storm" aint here yet.

Seeley is about done. Trails are getting slushy and creeks opening up, even in the road. You can still ride, just not much fun.
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