RIP and my condolences to the families.
I've been reading this and i just want to add something, OT do you really think the guys wouldn't have gone to turbo mountain if it was cancelled????? should the olympic committee be charged in the death of the luge competitor that died on the course? i didn't see one other luge competitor not race because of the incident and i'm sure the competitor that died would have gone too if it wasn't him. BIS is not at turbo mountain, the sledders that went to turbo are no different then any other sledders watching guys go up a hill, and if your going into the back country you should be prepared to go into the back country and that includes pointing your sled for an escape and not being in the middle of a funnel. the only bad i see coming out of this is; if you go into the back country your responsible to get yourself out and SAR shouldn't be putting their lives at risk because u made a bad decision.The organizers should of had the balls to cancel the event due to poor & dangerous conditions. That way the organizers would have freed themselves from the dipshiz of liability they now face.
RIP and my condolences to the families.