To: Snowmobilers
From: ISSA-Public Lands
Date: July 17, 2014
RE: Comments on Proposed Rule (F.R. 2014-14273) Use by Over-Snow Vehicles (Travel Management Rule)
Now is the time to comment and comment we must. As you recall, the Winter Wildlands Alliance won a lawsuit against the Forest Service concerning the treatment of OSVs in the 2005 OHV Rule. In the original rule, winter travel planning was optional for OSV use. The Forest Service must now do winter travel planning and this is the first step in creating the process that will be used. THIS WILL IMPACT US SO PLEASE SEND IN COMMENTS. The deadline is AUGUST 4!
Comments can be sent electronically to or!documentDetail;D=FS-2014-0004-0001
Or you can mail in your comments to
U.S. Forest Service
ATTN: Joseph Adamson
Recreation, Heritage, and Volunteer Resources Staff
1400 Independence Avenue SW, Stop 1125
Washington, D.C. 20250-1125
One or the other not both
Opening paragraph--Share as much or as little as you want:
• Provide personal information; where you ride—do you primarily ride in National Forests? Do you primarily ride off-trail? How important the sport is to you and your family, how often you ride--any information that will clearly identify you as a person who has a valid interest in this document.
• You might also want to share with them your experiences on how user groups interact. Have you witnessed ‘conflict’? How in your experience does the non-motorized community interact with snowmobilers. (The reason for including this is because many non-motorized groups are not happy with this proposal and will be claiming it needs to be changed for many reasons including to deal with all the ‘conflict’)
• Is snowmobiling currently being managed where you ride? Are there areas that are open and others that are closed? Is there a winter OSV map available?
Comments on Proposed Rule you might want to include-pick and choose. Please feel free to rewrite using your own words:
• Generally the proposal is well written and demonstrates an understanding of snowmobiling and how it is currently being managed.
• Allowing local managers the ability to determine whether an area should be open for over-snow vehicle use, unless posted as closed, appropriately recognizes the necessary flexibility land management requires, particularly during the winter months where motorized use is unlikely to cause resource damage.
• I (we) support the grandfather clause permitting local districts to retain existing over-snow vehicle use management decisions. Most, if not all areas and districts, have already made over-snow vehicle use land management decisions and those existing decisions should not have to be re-visited until required to by NEPA.
• The definition of a snowmobile needs to be expanded to allow for modified vehicles to be used on the trail system if permitted by state law. Please add ‘wheels’ to the definition of a snowmobile in the rule
• The rule requires that there be an over-snow vehicle use map, however, the map must have sufficient detail in order to be useful. The rule should define more clearly what should be included on the maps.
• ‘Snowmobilers using their own equipment when involved in search and rescue, should be added to section 212.81 that lists categories of over-snow vehicle uses that may travel anywhere over-snow within the forest.
• Adequate snowfall should be determined by each district and never by dates because one never knows when the snow will come.
• Although this proposed rule only deals with motorized over snow use, the Forest Service has an obligation to minimize the impacts of all winter recreation uses.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment and for considering my (our) comments
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