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Read this thread and ACT on it...or continue to surrender your sledding rights


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Park City, MT
Sent my letter in, it is a simple process, everyone should take a few minutes and send their comments in, this is a major decision they are making do not take this lightly

turboless terry

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Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Sent my letter but don't have my hopes up. Maybe this is why poo didn't give the mountain guys anything new. I was thinking someone said I could whine after my letter was sent.
if you sent a letter then whine away, if that makes you feel better.
get a friend to send a letter then you can whine together:rant:

I do have some hope that this will help to keep sledding areas open.
as far as ever seeing wheeled motorized areas open again that I think is a lost cause.

thank you to all that have sent letters and shared this with others


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
I've posted this all across this forum and no one seems to care. Here is a direct link for those that do, at to that I thank you! http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=FS-2014-0004-0001


That's just it, very few seem to care. They're way to busy trying to decide which can is the best and making sure you know their brand of snowmobile is hands down the only one to buy meanwhile in a few years they wont have any place to ride it. I hope I'm wrong but I truly believe it's when and not if that will happen:face-icon-small-dis

When the Great Burn comment thread was posted here it got very little views so I PMed administration to see if maybe a mass email could be sent out. Didn't even get a reply. So I put it in the Pro section under "New Polaris 800 blew up" and it got 4x the views in a hour vs what it got here in 10 days then understandably so the title got changed and MH even made it into a sticky but it got very few views after that:tsk:


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
Yeah I made several of them a sticky in General and all I got were complaints.
840 views on this thread and only at 140ish letters sent in
the 140 letters are from all over the country and from clubs and members of other forums so that means the response from snowest members is pathetic at best

when areas get closed and you wonder why ,,,, think did I do anything to try to help


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 15, 2009
Laramie, WY
Done. To those that think they're not listening--I once received a personal call from my state's US representative to discuss my thoughts on the Hidden Gems deal a few years back in Colorado. So please, write something! Doesn't have to be extensive, though a well written piece will make an impact.


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
Travel Management: Use by Over-Snow Vehicles
Comment Now!
Due Aug 04, 2014 11:59 PM ET
Proposed Rule
Posted: 06/18/2014ID: FS-2014-0004-0001
Backcountry Sled Patriots shared a status.

June 27
Subject: over the snow vehicle travel rule

I have been in contact with Sandra Mitchell, ISSA, the past couple of days and we concur that we should support the new over snow travel proposed rule. That's right....support it!!!
At the end of the day the proposed rule pretty much keeps things as they are. Decisions for snowmobile travel will remain at the local level rather than planning at regional or national levels. ISSA is meeting on July 15 to go through the proposed rule with a fine tooth comb and develop some comments to use. The closing date for comments is in early Aug so we will have a short window to comment.

Being that things have really not changed, why bother commenting? The environmental groups will be going full press to overwhelm the FS with comments to ammend the rule to satisfy their position. In addition they will use their comment numbers to support any potential lawsuit. There were 116 comments filed as of yesterday. We need to comment heavily to counter those efforts. If we don't respond the FS could assume we don't care. We could start commenting today but I think we are better served to wait to see what ISSA comes up with so we send a unified message. Keep in mind Winter Wildlands Alliance, who filed the lawsuit that prompted this rule, wants snowmobiles confined to trails...period. There are a lot of environmental groups that support that thinking.

Members in the midwest and east States, please forward this to your clubs and friends as this proposed rule applies Nationwide..

Here is the direct link to the website where you can read the rule, and also comment:

I'll send comment talking points after the ISSA meeting. Feel free to contact me with any concern
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Well-known member
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I have been asked to send out a forum wide PM and try to bring as much attention to this thread as possible.

Given the subject matter I am willing to do that.

Timing will be SUPER important.
We need to choose the single most opportune time to draw in all of the snowest members to have the biggest and best possible impact.

We get notoriously LOW support for requests like this because most of the sledders do NOT think it will effect THEIR BACK YARD.

This is where the Tree Huggers beat us.
They have a strong unified front, and we are terribly fractured.
For this to garner any strong show of support, in the MIDDLE OF SUMMER, the threat needs to be seen as a real possibility to each of the riders where they live!
help us put something together . Snowest magazine has some great writers.
For that matter lets send out a letter to all magazine subscriber's as well.

If Snowest, the different brands , vendors that sell there goods on here etc.
all show that they believe in this and we should to it just might help.

They are listening so we NEED to be heard now..

Christopher THANK YOU!!!
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