The dealer showed us some rectangle pads that attached at knee level right in front of where you stand. They said that when your standing on the new sleds you get banged in the knees a lot. My previous sled was a 2004 and it was a non-issue. He also recommended having them cut like a triangle like area out of the bottom part of both side panels (where the 800 number was on the 2012 models) for venting. They have nice powder coated metal screens with frog skin on the back they rivet to the panels. He said it would improve air flow and keep the clutch cooler. Any thoughts from your experiences would be appreciated.
I managed to smack my right knee into the dash area hard enough to break an area the size of a softball in the plastic. I say this to make the point that whatever you put there should be tough.
Personally, I wear knee/shin guards to protect my knees. That way I have them protected off the sled too. Where the rubber pads on the sled will only help you on it.
Thank you for your reply! I had my left knee rebuilt and maybe the guards are a better option. The dealer lead me to believe most have the pads attached to their sleds.
I would go with wearing knee pads as opposed installing them on the sled.
Bagger made a good point!
My Motor Fist pants have knee pads built into them. Their awsome.
Two seasons ago I bounced my knee/shin off my running boards. Hurt like a mf'er. Pulled my pant leg up and saw my tibia. 10 staples later, I always wear knee/shin guards from then on.
Yes...Knee pads, or Knee braces...ON YOUR KNEES. If you are hanging off the side of your sled and you fall for some reason on your running boards, are your knee pads on your knees? or are they on your sled? Thats how i look at it
Have pads on my Doos but not this time on the Pro. Instead, I have the Holz rear panel, all aluminum, vent kit which strengthens AND vents that area and Klim pants with removable knee pads. Best of BOTH worlds!
Pads should be on your knees to protect your knees AND on your sled to protect the sled and for when your knee pads shift like ever style I have used always does.
I installed a set of the stock Polaris knee pads on my pro and with those combined with the pads in my Klim pants I love it. You can rest against the hood when you are going down hill and it works great. Highly recommend them. Try it you'll love it. The only down fall is if you are using this area for aftermarket ventilation. I have other style vents that dont use this area.
I have used the SLP vents on the dash and I also have large vents at the sides of the hood so I do not need this area for venting. Anyone on this post that does not think this is a good idea has not tried them yet.