I guess I should've elaborated. One of the possible ramifications I see with weed and jobs is this: Can an employer be allowed legally to fire someone that has done something legal on their own time? I'm talking about the weekend guy that smokes a bowl but goes to work and fails a drug test. Should the employer be able to fire that person?
This is where the trial lawyers are going to have a feast.
With alcohol, it's very apparent when a guy comes to work drunk, so this is a no brainer for required action. I've seen my boss actually drive a drunk employee in his own truck to treatment. This brought a lot of wow's to the workplace. But it's impossible with the current drug tests to determine if an accused employee is using pot during his own time or on the clock. As a former user, I could tell if someone is high, but I couldn't prove it.
As it stands now, an employer can terminate if he so wishes an employee who tests positive for marijuana, it's illegal; easy call and impossible to agrue against.
Now take a person who smokes on his own time once it's legal...should an employer be able to fire someone for a positive U/A? Firing someone when they didn't break the law?
I'm just saying this is the only issue I could see arising from legalization. Believe me, I believe legalization is the best way to fight this. As was stated earlier, as a high school student 85-89, it was by far easier to score a bag than it was to get alcohol. People against legalization should ask why/how could this be?
In a recent poll on NBC, the numbers for legal were like 33% and medical use 75%...the numbers get higher every year. Unfortunately, it is the older generation (the purists) that are not for legalization.
I didn't get this...