Scott, I had Winter build two for me this past summer.After a season of use, hear's what I learned.Both sleds have 150 camo extremes.This IMO maybe the best track for this sled.It will hold its own against anything,if you ride the trees and techincal stuff it excels.Both sleds where built with different needs in mind.My wife's because she is small did not need alot power,we kept the 600 race motor,used a 144 rmk rear,set back,and holz A-arms and spindles also from an rmk.Shocks are float evolve r . With the 144 set back it provides the sled to turn on a dime,yet has so little angle of attack it can crawl up on the snow or out of the trench.This has been a giant killer and a pleasant surprise. She came off a lightly modified m-7 witha 153 camo. Mine has e-z ryde rear,with 43" wide Z-broz front power by a Carl's 797. This sled has the power to go against anything,that is not boosted,and will kill them on the techincal stuff. Now to answer you questions,on both sleds the parts that are used could be put on an RMK,but because of the bulk head,the geometry differs.I came of two sleds,both modified.An 05 m-7 162,and a 07 rmk 660 155. Neither could handle the techinacal stuff with as little effort as the IQR. This is the big difference! Why? Rider postition and weight.Both sleds have a futher forward rider postition and are light.I don't need to tell you what that means. However the main difference between an IQR and an RMK or any other sled,is the fact that an IQR is not sit down sled!You must ride it standing to get everything the sled has to offer,and push it hard.The harder you push it the better it responds.Also to get it light,get ready to do without things.Speedometers,trip meters,gas gauges and storage. And you will have to haul extra fuel.I think that are the main reasons why polaris does not produce the sled.They can't do what a builder can do for alot of reasons, including epa regs.So is it worth it? Take the plunge do the reseach,do it right.Hang on tight to the best sled you will ever ride!