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Obama ticks off Nobel Prize Committees

Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
I'm sure there are more and more every day that regret his award.

"Barack Obama's trip to Oslo to pick up his Nobel peace award is in danger of being overshadowed by a row over the cancellation of a series of events normally attended by the prizewinner.

Norwegians are incensed over what they view as his shabby response to the prize by cutting short his visit........

Read the rest here:



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Aug 14, 2002
A White House official said that it was not necessarily an award that Obama would have given himself.

what? So the begging questions are which awards would he give himself? :p


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 4, 2005
Colorado Springs
What an arrogant prick! Maybe he is realizing that he didn't deserve it in the first place. No, I'm sure he still thinks he is all that.:rolleyes:
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Truthfully, I think he knows it was BS, for him to get it. And, it's complicating his mission. Kinda like the employee that won't quit kissing your azz in front of other people.
Dec 5, 2007
Make no mistake, The Obama believes without a doubt that He alone is worthy of the Peace prize. In his mind, his very presence in Europe makes the world better, and his followers believe this too.

To have lunch with the King of Norway is beneath The Obama.

Additionally, The Obama is making note that He is the first US President to actually "show up" to receive the prize. Implying that the "white guys" snubbed the prize. Unfortunately, the others didn't have two Boeing 747 jets to get them there.

All hail The Obama.

Nov 26, 2007
The "king" very much thinks he deserves it, he can do what he wants
to,... the stupidity in their bunch of thieves is astounding.. they all deserve
each other.. you just can't fix stupid as someone once said... but their f((&&ikin
greed will get them in the end.. election time is a-comin.. and payback will be
severe.. born muslim,always muslim buy guns and ammo not gold
searcher11;1992558]The "king" very much thinks he deserves it, he can do what he wants
to,... the stupidity in their bunch of thieves is astounding.. they all deserve
each other..

Whilst both you and I can certainly claim that the Liberal Political agenda isnt our thing in order to keep it real and be civilized surely you must agree that that the Liberals simply do things differently from....Well from Reagan? Cuz' we know Bush spent like a Drunken Lib so he isnt a very good comparison is he?

you just can't fix stupid as someone once said... but their f((&&ikin
greed will get them in the end.. election time is a-comin.. and payback will be

Lets hope that the GOP stabilizes itself, backs electable candidates and dosent self destruct under this Faux conservatism fueled by talk radio madness and silly talk.....

born muslim,always muslim buy guns and ammo not gold

Thats just whacked out Bro. That kooky talk will do nothing more than insure all the folks who came out of the woodwork to defeat the GOP in 2008 will show back up in 2012.

You want that to happen?

Keep talking Kooky and its a guarantee that the independent voters will be absolutely driven awap from the GOP and back into the "Warm Embrace" and big tent with room for all of the Libs.

Blind prejudice. kooky talk and hatred simply has no place in "Our" America.:beer;
surprised that The Obama b!tch doesn't curtsy to everyone now


Sadly the reality of the Presidency is that the very "Macho" Bush walked around holding hands with some saudi king weirdo after kissing him on the face and several past Presidents have been photographed bowing to these Asian leaders.

Why is there no sense of reality on this board?

Does everyone here simply garner their info from Limbaugh and Hannity?

We may not agree with the Liberal agenda but sheese the warped sense of reality here is hard to fathom.

If using Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity talking points is the fresh new face of the GOP? We are in trouble....Again.

Too many actual fiscally irresponsible issues to share with friends and family that are legit and can drive voters to the polls in droves based on....Reality.

Grassroots. Tell a friend. He tells a friend. Tell a family member they tell another.

Spreading Kooky talk radio silliness simply will not drive the vote.

Expand your horizons into something real eh?:beer;
Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
Chaz, we get it. You don't like Beck, Rush, and Hannity. You don't have to remind everyone with every single post you make. I'm glad to see we still have some press that can be critical of our leadership. They all should be.

What do you want the GOP to be? Just like the Dems? A push toward fiscal conservatism is exactly what this country needs. Entitlement programs and out of control deficits are going to continue to weaken this country in a big way.

Frankly, I think Beck is doing the best job out there. He isn't picking on Obama, he isn't picking on Dems. He's picking on corruption. His "refounders" idea is brilliant. Asking sitting congressmen to rat out corruption, only in thier own party. The corruption is what wastes our tax revenue and fills every bill with pork. It's happening even with the healthcare proposals. If you can't get someone's vote based on the merits of the bill, then buy it. That's the way it works and it is wrong. The elitist attitude must come to an end. These crooks in government postions are public servants, not royalty.
V-Man;1999235]Chaz, we get it. You don't like Beck, Rush, and Hannity. You don't have to remind everyone with every single post you make. I'm glad to see we still have some press that can be critical of our leadership. They all should be.

Talk radio isnt "Press" V-Man....Thats the problem. The GOP cannot use entertainment talk radio as a platform. I just watched an openly gay Liberal get elected mayor of Houston Texas......The local conservative media slammed her on her choice of sexuality. She won by 3 points.

What do you want the GOP to be? Just like the Dems? A push toward fiscal conservatism is exactly what this country needs. Entitlement programs and out of control deficits are going to continue to weaken this country in a big way.

I agree 100% V-Man...But if folks are simply running around babbling Becks, Hannity's and Limbaughs talking points about how horrible of a person this Magic Negro is? They will push away the critical independent voters as it simply comes across as ugly and vile. A guy who isnt even allowed to own a stake in a friggin' football cannot be the voise of our party. Period. We need leaders who show a semblance of realism......Strong leaders. Honestly I was a big Mike Huckabee supporter. Now he is probably toast due to his Libbing out and letting creeps get out of jail.

Frankly, I think Beck is doing the best job out there.

I agree. But it is simply entertainment. Its like pro wrestling. It cannot be the voice of a party...It will not work.

Asking sitting congressmen to rat out corruption, only in thier own party. The corruption is what wastes our tax revenue and fills every bill with pork. It's happening even with the healthcare proposals. If you can't get someone's vote based on the merits of the bill, then buy it. That's the way it works and it is wrong. The elitist attitude must come to an end. These crooks in government postions are public servants, not royalty

Excellent post V-Man. Thats what I'm talking bout!! All this get your guns and ammo, He is a muslim, Obama this, Obama that, Obama bow, Obama here, Obama there talk is babble. Its Liberalism. It isnt Obama anything. He didnt invent Liberalism. Truth be told the guy is a pretty strong Liberal if thats your choice in Politics.

Attacking the President with the continued ugly slanted hyperbole will cost the GOP the Presidency in 2012 if it continues.

It will pull out all those non-voters that dont normally care simply to defeat ugliness. Its a bad path. Guns and ammo are cool....Just not when mixed with talking about "Our" sitting duly elected President.:cool:
Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
Talk radio isnt "Press" V-Man....Thats the problem. The GOP cannot use entertainment talk radio as a platform.

True, talk radio isn't press, but it is a big voice. They do need to be careful not to turn too many people off. I'm not a big fan of Beck's radio program, but I do like his show on Fox. He may not be a journalist, but is team of researches are doing a way better job than all the major media news programs. He backs everything up with quotes and video clips. It is no wonder he has gained so much popularity so quickly. He was a virtual unknown 2 years ago.

I have to admit I do like Fox's format in general on most of their programs. NBC will report healthcare is up for a vote, period. I like to hear opposing views and debate to get my own mind spinning and make a decision of what I think is best for me and this country. The viewer ship numbers clearly show lots of people like that format too. If Comcast is smart, they'll take NBC and model the format after Fox. I don't care if the hosts are liberal or conservative, just have good debate from both sides.

I agree 100% V-Man...But if folks are simply running around babbling Becks, Hannity's and Limbaughs talking points about how horrible of a person this Magic Negro is? They will push away the critical independent voters as it simply comes across as ugly and vile. A guy who isnt even allowed to own a stake in a friggin' football cannot be the voise of our party. Period. We need leaders who show a semblance of realism......Strong leaders. Honestly I was a big Mike Huckabee supporter. Now he is probably toast due to his Libbing out and letting creeps get out of jail.

I've also been a big Huckabee fan. I think he'll survive the latest embarassment, but I'm not sure if the media will ever get over his evangelical past. He didn't let that creep go, just reduced his sentence as was recommended to him. He was pardoned by others after that. The judges here in Washington, that let him go on $15k bail with pending charges of rape of a 12 year old girl, should be hung.

Obama campained on lots of things I agree whole heartedly with; no lobyists, no pork, bills online for 5 days before votes, all healthcare debate on c-span, fiscal responsibility, no tax increases, etc. The trouble is he isn't doing any of those things and needs to be called out on it. He believes he was elected to change this country. I don't think many people knew what they were really voting for. He's going to take lots of crap, he's the president. Who takes the heat when a football team looses, the QB and/or coach. The leaders have to take the fall. Critics of conservative media love to call anyone opposing Obama racists and evil. Rewind a couple years and look at the criticism Bush got. Noone was evil then. That's just part of being a president. Obama is trying to make major changes in a very sensitive economy and I thing the criticism is warrented.

Excellent post V-Man. Thats what I'm talking bout!! All this get your guns and ammo, He is a muslim, Obama this, Obama that, Obama bow, Obama here, Obama there talk is babble. Its Liberalism. It isnt Obama anything. He didnt invent Liberalism. Truth be told the guy is a pretty strong Liberal if thats your choice in Politics.

Attacking the President with the continued ugly slanted hyperbole will cost the GOP the Presidency in 2012 if it continues.

It will pull out all those non-voters that dont normally care simply to defeat ugliness. Its a bad path. Guns and ammo are cool....Just not when mixed with talking about "Our" sitting duly elected President.:cool:

I understand where you are coming from. There is a lot of weak criticism out there, but also many good points made on conservative radio. Just listen with an open and critical mind. You don't have to agree with everything. The healthcare and cap 'n trade debates are all about policy, not just dislike for the sitting president. These are big deals and will change our country for ever.

What ever happened to engery independence. Boy did the country freak out when gas neared $5. We are still so vulnerable with our reliance on foreign oil.

All I know is you couldn't pay me enough to be president. What a crappy job!
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