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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize (I'm NOT joking!)

Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
So, how does a Nobel Peace Prize winner send 40k more troops to Afghanistan?

How does a Nobel Peace Prize winner protect his nation with nuclear weapons?

I personally think this is a huge scam to further weaken the US. These folks know Obama is all about international popularity, not what is best for our nation. They love how he's destroying our country and have given him this award to make sure he keeps doing it.


Well-known member
So, how does a Nobel Peace Prize winner send 40k more troops to Afghanistan?

How does a Nobel Peace Prize winner protect his nation with nuclear weapons?

I personally think this is a huge scam to further weaken the US. These folks know Obama is all about international popularity, not what is best for our nation. They love how he's destroying our country and have given him this award to make sure he keeps doing it.

Exactly...Mr. Puppet can't do anything now to further any kind of violence. Like he isn't a big enough p*ssy on his own.

Dec 1, 2007
Black Hills, S.D.
They gave this honor to a man that has no concept of what honor means. He has done nothing in his life that would even be considered honorable. What does the world even know about this man before he became a Presidential candidate? He has been a world figure for just over a year, and is treated like the all mighty savior of planet Earth. As I see it if this man continues to run the course he is headed down, the world will lose its police force because of the collapse of the U.S. Govt. The U.S. in my opinion is on the verge of a second civil war. It may not be with guns, but with a political vote. Our politicians need to be reminded that they work for the people of THIS country, and not for special interest groups. We need people in office that can make decisions based on FACTS not just emotions, people that stand for the better good of all people not just a few privileged elite!! Let the States make decisions on marriages and health care and things that best fit the people of that area. Smaller govt can better serve a specific area. :mad:


Nov 26, 2007
Lander Wy
I still think Bo fits right in well with Peanut Carter. When Bo is out of office, the two of them can travel around the world and throw elections.


Mar 16, 2004
I still think Bo fits right in well with Peanut Carter. When Bo is out of office, the two of them can travel around the world and throw elections.

Here's a funny side note.
The media has been compairing bo to carter since he won the nobel prize.
We have been compairing bo to carter since he won office because of his policies.

So you see, we were right.
Both of them are terrible for the country and the nobel comittee has rewarded bad leadership once again.

It is funny how they think the commitee thinks they can manipulate US policy with a stupid trophy that means absolutely nothing.
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
He was nominated 2 weeks into his presidency. Very clearly the award has no meaning.

Who else won it? Al Gore. That guy should be put in jail if you ask me. He's no better than Berni Madoff. He has made $102,000,000 spreading his global warming propaganda based on lies. People paid him to speak, he just fed them lies, and laughed the way to the bank.

gore, carter now barry :eek:

Just sayin LMAO @ a worthless trinket of a once great award that is now a :present: from lefty freaks to other lefty freaks.


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Nov 16, 2005
Not trying to start a debate here but...

1. He does NOT deserve this award


He has made some notable moves early on:

-He has pushed for Nuclear disarmament for some time now. I would say that is worthy and relevant.
-He closed down Guantanamo Bay (hasn't happened but EO was signed)
-He required the use of an Army Field Manual for all interrogations thus eliminating torture.
-Has plan in place to withdraw all troops from Iraq by August 2010.
-He has remained open to negotiation with Iran and Venezuela, nothing wrong with being open to at least talk. If talk doesn't work then you are right where you started.

I still do not think any of this was worthy of even nomination at this point, but it is also not the first time this has happened. It happens often actually:
Tutu, for instance, was awarded the NPP ten years before the fall of Apartheid.
Nov 26, 2007
Arlington, WA
Not trying to start a debate here but...

1. He does NOT deserve this award


He has made some notable moves early on:

-He has pushed for Nuclear disarmament for some time now. I would say that is worthy and relevant.
-He closed down Guantanamo Bay (hasn't happened but EO was signed)
-He required the use of an Army Field Manual for all interrogations thus eliminating torture.
-Has plan in place to withdraw all troops from Iraq by August 2010.
-He has remained open to negotiation with Iran and Venezuela, nothing wrong with being open to at least talk. If talk doesn't work then you are right where you started.

I still do not think any of this was worthy of even nomination at this point, but it is also not the first time this has happened. It happens often actually:

I have plans to be a millionaire by the end of the year too.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
If they give him the Peace Prize now, he'll be unable to do anything Un-Peace like, cause everyone will say, hey your a peace prize winner. :)

Don't worry, if your a peace prize winner, your still allowed to kill Americans. Their all evil after all, especially the ones that want to better themselves, selfish bastages. :)


Jun 8, 2008
In my Bunker
Not trying to start a debate here but...

1. He does NOT deserve this award


He has made some notable moves early on:

-He has pushed for Nuclear disarmament for some time now. I would say that is worthy and relevant.
-He closed down Guantanamo Bay (hasn't happened but EO was signed)
-He required the use of an Army Field Manual for all interrogations thus eliminating torture.
-Has plan in place to withdraw all troops from Iraq by August 2010.
-He has remained open to negotiation with Iran and Venezuela, nothing wrong with being open to at least talk. If talk doesn't work then you are right where you started.

I still do not think any of this was worthy of even nomination at this point, but it is also not the first time this has happened. It happens often actually:

Glad to see Obama has you as a supporter!
One thing:
-He required the use of an Army Field Manual for all interrogations thus eliminating torture. Great for the econemy and Americans.

1st: He has pushed.
2nd: Hasent Happened
3rd: OK
4th: Remained Open.

Why don't you list the Negitive impact he has on our country.

Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Heck, I'd rather suffer through a bad economy than watch this country turn into a socialist, entitlement, world welfare, CO2 fearing, communist state.

There's not a single thing you can say these days, without some idiot telling you your a racist, or a right winger, or un-American, for speaking out against government entitlement.

Obama told you he would equalize resources, within and outside of the United States. Go ahead and pull this great country down, you can't give lasting wealth, you can only earn it.


May 20, 2009
-He required the use of an Army Field Manual for all interrogations thus eliminating torture.
-Has plan in place to withdraw all troops from Iraq by August 2010.

How can you stop torture when there never was torture taking place? The techniques used were developed from research that uses those SAME EXACT techniques during training events for our troops without ill effect (which happens on a regular basis). I see don't people complaining about that, but that's probably due to people that don't understand the issue.

A plan is just that, a plan, just like closing Gitmo (we're seeing how well his plan is working there). The hand over process and removal of troops and assets will take YEARS. You would have to be smoking some serious reefer to ever imagine that all the troops will be out of country by Aug 2010.


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Nov 26, 2007
Sandpoint, Idaho
A plan is just that, a plan, just like closing Gitmo (we're seeing how well his plan is working there). The hand over process and removal of troops and assets will take YEARS. You would have to be smoking some serious reefer to ever imagine that all the troops will be out of country by Aug 2010.

We will not fully be out of Iraq for a LONG time. I'm deploying to Balad from spring to fall next summer. The current plan has all GROUND troops pulling back by August. I'm not sure what that means other than that would only leave Air Force assets in place. I just hope to god they dont let the Iraqi Army on the bases to run security once the US Army pulls out. That would be a real mess:eek:
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