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Obama, kickin' dirt in soldiers' faces.


Snow Fox

Someone needs to lay off the wacky weed.

That someone's name reminds me of a cheap po rn flick.:D:eek:
I don't know why you guys are all upset, like we did not know he was gonna do his own thing...that is what he stood for,change. although it was quite a curve ball claiming he was gonna bring us something radical....who knew that radical meant that he would be bringing back the cabinet of the last impeached president:cool:

ruffy, I understand that you want everyon to give him a chance, but seriously.....if you knew he was gonna appoint clintons cabinet and drop the kind of money he has, would he still be your nominee?

I have come to the belief that all polititions are dirtbags. who in their right mind would drop 1000x more $$ then they stand to earn;) the whole system is corrupt. both sides. HOWEVER, most have the wherewithal to know when to lay low. when the first bailout did absolutly nothing other then throw expensive parties and buy jets, that should have served as a warning. you dems could have held off on the stimulus and blamed bush for spending the first half and nothing happening, instead.....you will beat it....and nothing good will come of it again.

I wonder how many other american tradition will be changed......saluteing the flag, removing your hat.....doing first interviews on muslim television.....wait, that did not belong there.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
So Obama gets no credit for the commander in chiefs ball?? You guys know it was open to military only?....

Seems like if he wanted to snub the military, that this was an interesting way to do it...

Do I think he should have gone to the other one, yah, but to go out and call it a huge snub, kicking dirt in soldiers faces...

Again, Biden was there as his representative...

Tell you what, I am sure Obama will be at the next ball in 4 yrs..... :devil: :p

I doubt it, he went to the Commander and chief ball, because they hand picked a favorable lineup. If he had went to the American Legion or VFW ball, he wouldn't have had control of what people said. Someone would have made a remark, that upset his "feelings". So, from a strategic political point of view, he probably avoided a landmine. He still got to hang with soldiers and wounded, and parents, just one's he'd vetted already.
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