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My first and last ride for a while. I keep getting asked what happened....

Nov 27, 2007
denver area
I'm constantly yelling at my wife for taking the shovel and chains out of her car when she "needs the room". One day she'll need them and they won't be there. I carry a fanny pack survival kit with me all year round. Guys thought I was crazy for packing a frame pack when elk hunting this year, but I was ready for several nights if need be and almost spent one.

Best m**** of this story for me is to keep your head, and be prepared for what you need to do, be it equipment and/or knowledge.
Nov 26, 2007
Man glad to here you made it out ok!! It may sound funny but I always carry a lighter and tampons......ssshhhhh don't tell any one!! They make great fire starter. Tip your sled over and hold the string, dip it in and presto instant fire starter!!

After reading all your posts this summer I hate to hear that that the Apex is busted up. Hope you get it fixed up and back on the snow soon!!!



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Nov 26, 2007
Interior, Alaska
I've seen guys use the Tampon trick for fire starters. It seems to work a lot better if you dip it in the oil tank (easier done on two strokes) rather then the fuel. Oil is a little harder to ignite but it burns a lot slower helping you get kindling going.

I've kind of been avoiding my Apex since I got it out of Bum F_ck_d Alaska. I look at it after all of this summers work and after only the first ride, it just puts a knot in my gut. I've just been enjoying the ol' stocker 700 RMK and the 600 IQR. I don't want to spend the money to fix anything right now. I just want to ride. I'd prefer to ride my Apex but...... well... you know the story. :( The motor and the EFI were finally running perfectly too!!! I was holding 11.9 to 12.8 across the board on the A/F guage! It would lean out when going down hill off the throttle to the point that it was dieing but it would fire right back up if giving it a little throttle. :confused:
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