Well, I took Amber Holt's advanced riding clinic a week ago and I can honestly tell you I never thought about the brake that way before. I will use it always going forward. It's not about slowing down, it's about control, keeping the clutch engaged at all times, transferring power to the snow as smoothly and efficiently as possible, oh yeah and did I mention control? This can be done at high speed as well as low. You adjust for the conditions - some days might require a heck of a lot more throttle than others. Once I started riding with one finger on the brake and applying Amber's concepts I couldn't imagine doing it any other way.
Oh, and keep your head up!! If you take one of Amber's classes you will get sick of hearing her say that real fast!! : )
She's a good teacher by the way. I've been riding for 30 years and I learned a lot from her. I will take the class again next year to measure my progress.