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LSB - Cooke City Snow Conditions 2010

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T day riding

LSB are you ready for another one ski ride.. Planning on coming out over T day with my new snowbike and hawks. Making some really good deals on my leftover explorer kits also.
JT thanks for the info, and yes I can remember a few Thanksgivings, but its been years, where the snow has been ridiculously good!

Snowhawk YES I am :) I was just getting the hang of that thing on the trail ride back!
Snotel showing 29" right now and its been WINDY today. It is supposed to clear up just for today as another front blows in (maybe thats all the wind) and then start snowing again! Ill let you know.

Also guys at what point can the basic members not see this thread anymore? I forget?
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If i remember correctly, 3yrs ago or maybe it was 4. we were there on T-Day and fisher creek was reading just over 50". It was excellent riding.

x2, freshie up top everyday too. Couldn't see the previous days tracks! Still needed to be careful or know where you are going, but it's looking like it should be a decent t-day ride with the updated weather report.

Depending on how it looks, i may head out there. Problem is my riding buds have to stay home for the holiday :face-icon-small-con i need to take advantage of the days off... I am open to riding with new peeps if they have full avy gear and knowledge.

Thanks for the up to date reports Robert!

Snotel showing 29" right now and its been WINDY today. It is supposed to clear up just for today as another front blows in (maybe thats all the wind) and then start snowing again! Ill let you know.

Also guys at what point can the basic members not see this thread anymore? I forget?

75 for basic members.
We will probably head out that way from southwest minnesota for t-day also. Thanks for the reports.
I would maybe be interested in going for a weekend trip the 1st weekend in dec if the snow is deep enough. I don't think I am planning on going to cooke over new years this year, 1st year in 6 or 7. Plus it might be a little late to get reservations at this point.

We are heading out there from Shakopee Nov 30 @ 8am and we'll be back sometime on Dec 4th. I do have a 3 place trailer one open spot What kind of sled?
Snotel showing 29" right now and its been WINDY today. It is supposed to clear up just for today as another front blows in (maybe thats all the wind) and then start snowing again! Ill let you know.

Also guys at what point can the basic members not see this thread anymore? I forget?

Would you mind starting a new thread when it gets to that number, for the reg. members?
why are the web cams NOT WORKING!!! ARGH.. might be up there sunday for a ride report.

fisher snotel showing 8" since last night.. melikey.. 3' of snow at the snotel already, with all the wind should be plenty of pockets of fresh to tear up.
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really wanting to come up sunday and do a lil testing on the new turbo?

whats going on there now can anyone chim in on this i know its really border line but snotel shows 36 and looks like there supose to get like another foot by sunday, should be enough to get into some trees or meadows and make sure this thing is good to go.

also we for sure can not drive in ?? even with a lil 2 place

thanks hopfully sleding in like 48hrs!!

skidoo - thats what i was thinking ! let me know if you go
Guys we have been out of power for over a day now. We still are but i plugged into the generator. I just had to get on. Its coming down nicely. If it keeps this up the forecasts will be correct!! I am praying for the electricity to come back on so I can do more than sit on this tiny netbook...

Obviously thats why the cams and stuff arent working
we have about 8-10" of fresh and is piling on! And we are at 5200 feet, cooke is at like 7300? Where we ride is like 8-10!

snow level.jpg
damn no electricity sucks especially since I didnt winterize my cabin last time I was up no electricity=no heat and the roads are to sucky to drive on now anyway let me know if you see water running out the back door into your parkinglot

All I know is the snotel p/u 18"...and that is A LOT of snow!

Can't wait to hear the update and see pics!
Change In
Snow Water Snow Snow Water Change In
Site Name Date Time Equivalent Depth Equivalent Snow Depth
FISHER CREEK 11/13 0000 3.0 15.0
11/14 0000 3.0 14.0 0.0 -1.0
11/15 0000 3.5 21.0 0.5 7.0
11/16 0000 4.1 26.0 0.6 5.0
11/17 0000 4.5 26.0 0.4 0.0
11/18 0000 4.8 29.0 0.3 3.0
11/19 0000 5.2 28.0 0.4 -1.0
11/20 0000 6.4 44.0 1.2 16.0

thats a very nice increase and still more snow to come!!!!

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