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Lost lake.


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Lifetime Membership
Nov 30, 2007
Upper Michigan & Alaska
I wonder if Mount Redoubt blows if/how this will effect LL & Caribou hills. The news said it is still rumbling. Any thoughts? How are you guys on the peninsula preparing, buying extra air filter for vehicles, stocking up on beer?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
I wonder if Mount Redoubt blows if/how this will effect LL & Caribou hills. The news said it is still rumbling. Any thoughts? How are you guys on the peninsula preparing, buying extra air filter for vehicles, stocking up on beer?

Last time Reboubt blew was the best snow year I can remember ever having on the Peninsula. Everytime that thing blew we would get a dusting of ash here on the ground BUT it also seeded the clouds and within 24hrs we would get a dump of 1-2' of snow...over and over again all winter. Leet Redoubt blow!
Nov 28, 2007
Anchorage, AK
Just say no to studded tracks!

Had a buddy lose most of his calf to a studded track in high school, swore I would never run a studded track after that.

Nothin compared to this poor kid below from last year.

Studdin up Firehouse just may not be worth it.

Snowmobile Accident Tears Off Maine Man's Leg

Bangor Daily News (Maine)

It was instinct that allowed Alison Jones, 21, of Hermon to remain calm last weekend when an acquaintance lost part of his leg in a snowmobile accident.

Jones reacted quickly when 19-year-old Brandon Blanchette's left leg was severed below the knee by the snowmobile. Grabbing her boyfriend's belt, she made a tourniquet around Blanchette's leg to stop the bleeding.

"I figured I had to do something or else this poor kid is going to stand there and just bleed to death," Jones, a veterinary assistant, said Thursday in a phone interview.

She had gone with her boyfriend to join some friends who were planning to race snowmobiles last Sunday near Pullen Road in Hermon.

Blanchette had lifted up the back of one of the sleds to clear the track of snow. When Jones' boyfriend revved the engine, a stud on the track caught on Blanchette's baggy clothing and pulled his left leg into the track.

"That caused his leg to get stuck inside the sled [and] it just, like, threw his leg back out again," Jones said. "It shot it into the air and it just flew into the woods. Brandon was actually still standing in back of the sled when it shot the leg out."

Several people at the scene stood in shock for a moment before the majority of them ran into a nearby house, leaving Jones, her boyfriend and Blanchette outside, Jones recalled.

"Brandon has this horrifying look on his face and he's standing there without a leg," she said.

Jones said her boyfriend also appeared frozen in shock and she realized she needed to take action.

"I lifted up his shirt and grabbed the belt off his waist," she said.

She used it to make a tourniquet around Blanchette's leg before they carried him into the nearby house. Blanchette, of Garland, was taken by ambulance to the Dexter airport and a LifeFlight helicopter flew him to Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor.

The track ripped Blanchette's leg off midcalf with such force that his shinbone stabbed into his upper arm, she said. Blanchette had surgery earlier this week to remove the piece of leg bone from his arm, she said.
Dec 3, 2007
Studs can be messy

Face it a studded track is like a giant chain saw. I have had two incidents that came pretty close. First one was a stuck on an old 440 Fan w/ TCD studs- we had the sled in reverse trying to get moving backward, me in back pulling of course. When it came out, it brushed my leg with the track and just shredded my bibs...yikes! The other time I slow rolled a sled down a hill. I had a "cruise-mate throttle" ( a finger pull rather than a thumb push). Everytime the machine would roll upside down it pinned the throttle wfo, when it came up it released the throttle. The bad part was I was down hill from the machine trying to out roll it. It finally caught up with me and landed track down right on top of my back. Fortunaely the track was not studded. I ended up with rubber "burn out" marks on my jacket where the still wound up track came down. If it would have had studs...ouch!
Dec 4, 2007
not ouch, either it woulda caught traction on your body and woud have preceded until it got to your helmet where it would have torn through and killed you, or it woudl have not been able to get traction on your back and just dig down untill it hooked into some good vertabrae to take with it


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
Heard they only got 5-6" last night but it just started snowing again here in Soldotna a few minutes ago...If it keeps up like this we'll be happy campers this weekend!


Nov 28, 2007
What?! Are you sure thats a true story? Thats hard to believe man. I mean come on, he just stood there on one leg with a dumb look on his face??? I'm pretty sure he would fall over or at least lean a little!

The body can defy odds when its in shock.
Dec 31, 2007
Wasilla, Alaska
No more studs for me

Ive had two close calls with studs. I got my leg sucked up the tunnel once and shredded my bibs, my leg was still there thank god. The second time I got landed on by my own sled tumbling down a hill and the track landed on my back tore the $hit out of my coat and chewed up my helmet. I bought a paddle track after that and that was about 5 years ago. I dont miss studs anyway.


Well-known member
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Dec 16, 2007
Kenai, AK
Another beautiful day at Lost Lake today. Went in snug. Road was good, trail was good, snow was terrible till about half way to the lake. Great riding in select places. All the normal places down by Cooper Lake were horrible, alders everywhere. Least amount of snow I have ever seen on that side.



Active member
Jan 9, 2008
Soldotna, Alaska
I am glad you got to tear it up Brook! I got stuck out on a platform and could not make it back in time:( We are going to go shred whats left tomorrow! I know of some good secret places that no one knows of:)
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