Wade (or someone) can you interpret what exactly this means? Am I reading it right that the "appeals" would be the appeals to NOT screw with our riding areas. "The plan will be put into practice" means the plan to screw with our riding areas? So basically we got screwed AGAIN? In the last line, why would wildlife orgs appeal the plan, because it's not Commie enough??
Forest Service rejects appeals
Management plan moving into practice
By The Montana Standard Staff - 11/07/2009
DILLON — Forest Service officials announced this week that they had rejected all 56 appeals to the management plan for the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest that was released this year, meaning the plan will be put into practice.
Deputy Forest Service Chief Gloria Manning upheld the forest on all the appeals, the agency said in a press release. Specialists in the Forest Service headquarters in Washington, D.C., had reviewed the plan and the appeals filed on it and determined the plan was solid.
The land and resource management plan guides Forest Service officials. It lays out which activities can take place in which areas of the 3.3-million acre forest.
The plan was drafted along with a corresponding environmental impact statement that lays out the effects of certain activities on the landscape.
The plan includes guidance for activities that includes mining, grazing and logging, as well as which areas are suitable for motorized use and which are eligible for wilderness status, which bars development and motorized use. The plan calls for 322,000 acres of additional wilderness on the forest and designates 284,000 acres of land as suitable timber base where logging is a focus of management. In addition, the plan allocates 1.63 million acres where timber cutting for other resource objectives such as habitat improvement could occur.
Forest Service officials said in the news release the agency would consider three aspects of the plan for further review. Those are more guidance for bighorn sheep-domestic sheep issues, more analysis of the wild and scenic values determination for Deadman and Canyon creeks, and creating a better map for motorized users.
Groups ranging from wildlife organizations, county commissions, motorized access advocates as well as individuals filed appeals to the plan.