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Ladies Ride

Feb 12, 2006
Eagle River
Hey Girls... found out that Team Pink will be joining us after all - but they won't arrive to the lodge until about 11am... so if ya want to sleep in a bit or grab breakfast ~ feel free.

I think this puts us at 14 ladies for the ride ~ should be good times!!!!!!!!!!

See ya in the morning ;)


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 25, 2007
Hey Girls... found out that Team Pink will be joining us after all - but they won't arrive to the lodge until about 11am... so if ya want to sleep in a bit or grab breakfast ~ feel free.

I think this puts us at 14 ladies for the ride ~ should be good times!!!!!!!!!!

See ya in the morning ;)

hey blonz, say hi to faby for me..we are supposed to go shoot some pool one of these days but keep missing each other...thanks...
Mar 19, 2009
Hey Ladies, it was super to meet you all. It is really great to see so many women who are talented riders. Mrs ak49er and I will not be able to join you due to time constrains with our sitter, but look forward to riding with you in the future. I have to say I was really happy to meet such a cool group of down to earth, real "Alaskan" women. Have a great time & look forward to all the great pics I am sure will be posted here. :o
Hey Girls,
it was great riding with all of you, I would ride with you anytime again! I had a blast even though I could have done without wrecking the sled 1 mile before we returned the parkning lot....
Blondz, thank you for leading us the backcountry way around, I have never been that way. Will need to go explore more often.
Tina and Michelle(?), thanks for having the butt all day long, you did awesome job not loosing anyone!
I was most impressed by your daughters' skills (both of them) and good attitude, they are as tough or tougher than some guys for sure!
I will download the photos later on today, or just PM you a link to my photobucket ;)


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2007
I had an awesome time yesterday! You all are GREAT riders and it was refreshing to ride with women that love to ride and don't whine the whole time. :D
Blondz and Tina you should both be very proud of your young ladies you have raised them well and they both rock their sleds.
Thanks to our fearless leaders Blondz, Tina, and Lyss. And for Michelle for being the butt of the group:p.
Oh yes and thank you ladies for helping me get unstuck. Seems my carving skills have gotten rusty due to lack of practice. :beer;
Feb 12, 2006
Eagle River
First Annual Ladies Ride

What an AWESOME day!!!!!!!!! Gonna have to fire me as the photographer though. I got a couple from the beginning of the day and the hilarious action shots of Barbra getting tackled into the snow (might just post one or two of those later ;) ) But when I hit that dip and took the bars to the chest (thank God for my TekVest) I broke my camera ~ that's okay... I was too busy playing to care at that point ;) I am really looking forward to seeing everyone elses pics ~ Especially Dasha... thanks so much for capturing such unforgettable moments ;) ;) And thanks to Team Pink for joining us and being such good sports LOL

I was super impressed with EVERYONE ~ including the newbie ~ It was great to ride with such passionate women who can rally the heck out of their sleds! Everyone did great on the back country route and I am also impressed with how few stucks we actually had :) and that we got 'em out easily too.

We had twelve amazing riders ~ who just so happen to be a little wild, wacky, fun and a gorgeous group of women to start with... can't wait for next year now!!

For the record ~ no wine coolers on the route boys... what a disappointment LOL ... oh and we didn't have any cat fights or have anyone run over anyone else. I'd say it was a pretty darn good day!!
Some photos....

Bummer about your camera Blondz, I did not know that you hit it THAT hard... I will post the photos later (soon, I promise!).
Speaking of rallying out sleds: Here are few shots of my sled as of last night and today. :mad: These are photos I am taking a priority to post as I am looking for spare parts so I can fix it and go to Aman... This happened just before we got back in the trees.... Darn women riders:D








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Jan 24, 2009
Eagle River
awesome day!

Bummer Dash! At one point I saw you come to a pretty abrubt stop when you were riding in the trees above us on way out. When you kept goin after that I figured everything was ok...was that when it happened? Good luck!

Ladies, what an awesome ride! as everyone else stated I too was very impressed with everyone's riding skills, especially the two younguns! I'd love to do it again sometime.

Thanks ladies for a very fun, interesting ;) day!
AND Big thanks to Blondz for hauling me there and back!
Feb 12, 2006
Eagle River
Dang Girl!!!!!!!!! I knew ya picked a fight with a tree... but I didn't know it won :(
Hope ya can get her up and running again quick!!!

Here is the only pic I have worth posting (like I said... ya'll can fire me as the photographer) LOL



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Fairbanks Ak
Dang Girl!!!!!!!!! I knew ya picked a fight with a tree... but I didn't know it won :(
Hope ya can get her up and running again quick!!!

Here is the only pic I have worth posting (like I said... ya'll can fire me as the photographer) LOL


perk :face-icon-small-ton....huh.....wha......where's the rest of the pics? :D
Bummer Dash! At one point I saw you come to a pretty abrubt stop when you were riding in the trees above us on way out. When you kept goin after that I figured everything was ok...was that when it happened? Good luck!

Yeah, that was probably the one, I had to dig a little and find my ski deep in a snow.... I bounced of a tree and then stopped so I would not hit the 3 big trees in front of me and got stuck bad... I had NO idea that this bounce-off caused SO much of a damage.... It's bad.... I don't believe in miracles so having this together in 2 days is almost out of question.... But I am not giving up till I call around tomorrow to find out about spare parts....:( I promise I will post the photos from the ride in the AM on Monday! My priorities shifted a bit now....




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