I find this very offensive.^^^^^^^^
Maybe it is. Bottom line is these peeps live a different life than we do. When they change your lifestyle then you will find it less offensive.
I am not trying to take away from their beliefs.. frankly that is what makes us free. In my world there are large... and I mean LARGE quantities of Somolians coming into our city. Some families have 10 + kids. I know some of them are great people. One of the biggest churches in town now is a mosque. Every taxi cab is driven by one of them. If this is the case what are their qualifications to be here? I tried to cross our border to work on a US job years ago that our international union had an international call in for. By the time I got finished jumping through the hoops and was approved.... the job was over. One of the biggest issues were qualifications... I am qualified!!!
It seems refugees are welcomed with open arms and a free bank account to start a new life. I would have less of a problem if they didn't bring their problems with them. We have lots of drug related issues here and funny thing is alot of the time they are the ones involved.
They are not the only ones... I know that. It just bothers me the rules don't include "What is the background of this person?" and "What are your qualifications?" and "What do you have to offer our nation?" oh and one more.... "Are you willing to relinquish your ties to your old nation and pledge allegiance to this one?". These are questions I believe are VERY IMPORTANT!!!
So when I offend someone for standing up for MY rights and beliefs, I must say I appologise for hurting your feelings but the fact of the matter is it needs to be said, politically correct or not.
I am standing up and saying what many will not say, especially where it can be read publicly. It is not meant to offend anyone even though it is a topic that is difficult to not offend someone. We will move forward and change is inevitable. People will change and with it the races and religions. It is your right to believe what you wish, it is my right to have my beliefs also.
I believe we need to protect our nations from a direction that leads to religious and racial political struggles. The Japanese were put in camps and oppressed during wartimes. Was this right? No!!! Was the principal correct? We will never know the true answer to this because they never had the chance to prove their loyalties. It was a security measure taken to protect North America.
We are a melting pot of cultures. This is what makes us who we are. Bringing in other cultures is not the real concern so much as bringing in extremely large quantities of one culture. It is a culture shock to both cultures. Qualified, self respecting, contributing, self sufficient people are those who should be allowed to come. I do agree the odd refugee may belong here. I don't believe we should load the boats and dump em off on our shores. All this is doing is filling up our countries and once they are full, where will we be able to play? Once we outgrow our ability to feed and take care of our population, what will we do? We need to consider the consequences. North America's population is growing..... along with the voters!
Consider that!!!
PS: I removed the content I believe was the most offensive, I would appreciate you doing the same.